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School Assignment: Pretend You’re A Muslim

union grove high schoolCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Parents of students at a Wisconsin High School are up-in-arms after a teacher gave students an assignment that required them to pretend they were Muslim and then write five paragraphs about the experience. is reporting on the latest dust-up in America’s increasingly radicalized public schools which involves a 10th grade World History teacher named Beth Urban at Union Grove High School in Union Grove, Wisconsin.

According to the directive, which was posted on Twitter by WISN radio host Vicki McKenna, Urban asked students to pretend to be Muslim, then write five paragraphs giving three examples of what they do daily for their religion and any struggles they encounter.

EAGNews contacted Ms. Urban to determine if she gave similar assignments based on other religions or just Islam, but she did not respond.

Meanwhile, some parents are fuming.

“I feel that the purpose of the assignment is to show prejudices towards Muslims in America or to invent them or exaggerate them,” said one parent who asked EAG not to reveal their identity.

“I did not voice my concerns directly to the teacher because I do not blame the teacher. I believe this is a curriculum issue. The teachers are not using their own curriculum, the school boards/superintendents do generally,” according to the parent.

“I brought attention to it because I felt that it was inaccurate for World History. I would have no problem with this assignment if they were to pretend they were in the Middle East and practicing their religion. I first was bothered because it seems that if any Catholic issues are brought up attention is brought to the school and (the assignment) banned being a public school.”

The school district’s history lends at least some clues as to why such an assignment was given.

Two years ago, the same district was in the news for an April 2013 assignment that involved a crossword puzzle in which conservatism was grossly misrepresented to students.

According to the puzzle, conservatism is “the political belief of preserving traditional moral values by restricting personal freedoms . . . “

Sounds like something that belongs in an ISIS camp, not an American school!

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