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Sebelius Nomination Postponed

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer Senate confirmation of the controversial Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has been postponed until after the coming two-week recess because at least one senator moved to block an expedited procedure to move the nomination forward. According to a report by the Congressional Quarterly, Finance Committee member Jim Bunning ( R-KY), confirmed Thursday night that he had objected to allowing the committee to move up the finance panel’s vote. “The rules that the Democrats made say that there’s a layover of two days,” Bunning said. “That’s what I objected to.” Bunning also revealed his plans to oppose Sebelius’ nomination when the panel does hold a vote after the recess. The Governor’s nomination has triggered a firestorm of protest from pro-life groups across the country because of her strident pro-abortion views. As governor, Sebelius vetoed legislation that would have implemented restrictions on late-term abortion procedures as well as parental notification measures. She also vetoed legislation designed to crack down on the appalling conditions in certain abortion clinics, including one where fetal remains were being stored in the same refrigerator as employees’ food. Sebelius also held a reception in the governor’s mansion honoring notorious late-term abortionist, George Tiller. Unfortunately, these issues have barely been raised in nomination hearings thus far. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a national network of Americans devoted to advancing pro-life women in politics, said the Senate Finance Committee hearings have thus far missed an important opportunity to enlighten the public about the governor’s egregious abortion record. “ . . .(D)espite the deep bench of pro-life heroes serving on the Senate Finance Committee, not one Senator could manage to ask a single question publicly about Sebelius' blind eye toward women's health and regulating abortion clinics," Ms. Dannenfelser said in a recent statement. "This is why Americans lose faith in their elected officials,” she continued. “They elect candidates who share and articulate well their 'deeply held' beliefs. But when the candidate becomes an incumbent, he or she fails to effectively act upon those beliefs when given a chance to do so." Ms. Dannenfelser applauded Bunning’s courage in postponing the nomination, saying “This Senator has now given us more time to build support to oppose Kathleen Sebelius.” The opposition intends to make wise use of this extra time to rally citizens to contact their senators and voice their concerns about the Sebelius nomination. The American Life League, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-life group, is taking it a step further. They are calling upon Kansas Senators Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts to reject the nomination. By calling on “Senatorial Courtesy” – the longstanding Senate tradition only confirming nominees if their home-state senators approve – Sens. Brownback and Roberts may be able to reject the nomination and stop Sebelius. "Sen. Brownback and Sen. Roberts have an unparalleled opportunity to keep the most rabidly pro-abortion governor in the nation away from our country’s healthcare," said Shaun Kenney, executive director of American Life League. “Both of these men have long claimed the title ‘pro-life,’ now is the time to prove it." American Life League rolled out a STOP Sebelius campaign in March and thousands of supporters have already signed a petition and contacted their senators urging them to reject the nomination. News sources originally reported the confirmation would come Thursday night, however as calls poured into Senate offices from around the country, the Senate Finance Committee decided to push back a final vote until the end of April. “The senators are listening to the voice of their constituents,” Kenney said. “But now this battle shifts to Sen. Brownback and Sen. Roberts. It remains in their power to reject the nomination of pro-abortion radical Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.” Contact your members of the Senate and express your opposition to Sebelius's nomination. You can find contact information for any senator at   © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.




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