CNS is reporting that the new study entitled, “Demographics of Women Who Have Had An Abortion,” tracked the demographics of abortion from data collected from more than 12,000 women aged 15-44. It found that women who became sexually active earlier in life, had more partners, and who used contraception, were much more likely to have had an abortion than monogamous women. http://www.frc.org/eventregistration/abortion-myths-and-facts-new-research-challenges-abortion-advocates-claims
“The fraction of women aborting is far larger among women with multiple sexual partners than among monogamous women,” the report stated. “Forty to 50 percent of women who have 10 or more (male) sexual partners have had an abortion, while ‘only’ 6 percent of those who are monogamous (one male sexual partner) have had an abortion. Almost 90 percent of abortions are procured by women who have had three or more (male) sexual partners," the report found.
It also found that 34 to 38 percent of women who became sexually active under the age of 14 had an abortion compared with just six percent of women who had intercourse for the first time at age 20 or later.
“There’s a huge relationship between the earlier one starts being sexually active and the more likely things are going to go wrong, including undergoing an abortion,” said Patrick Fagan, director of FRC’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute and co-author of the report.
Not surprisingly, religion also impacted the abortion rate. Only 12.7 percent of women who attend a religious service weekly had one or more abortions compared to 30.6 percent of women who never attend religious services.
The bottom line is just common sense, Fagan says. “Increase chastity in teen years, increase marriage, increase worship of God, decrease the number of sexual partners – the numbers suggest all of these behaviors will reduce the need for and number of abortions.”
He's hoping the report will spur debate on the relationship between culture and abortion rates.
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