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Survey: Parents Most Worried About Graphic Sex in Movies

child tvIn a recent survey of more than 1,400 parents, eighty percent say they are most concerned about graphic sex scenes in movies with the use of hard drugs and graphic violence close behind.

The Blaze is reporting on the new survey which was conducted by Nielsen for the Classification & Rating Administration (CARA) which provides the movie-rating system that is jointly run by the Motion Picture Association of American and the National Association of Theater Owners.

The “2015 Parents Ratings Advisory Study” found that the five biggest concerns of parents about what their children are seeing in movies list graphic sex scenes first, followed by full male nudity, use of hard drugs, full female nudity and graphic violence.

“While 80 percent of parents felt that the current ratings system is accurate, they overwhelmingly said that most forms of sexual content deserve an ‘R’ rating, expressing their overall concerns about a variety of content types,” the Blaze reports.

“Eighty percent of parents said that they are extremely or very concerned over graphic sex scenes, with 71 percent saying the same about full male nudity and 70 percent expressing identical qualms about full female nudity.”

Hard drugs also ranked very high on the list with 70 percent of parents expressing deep concern over portrayals of drug use in films. Fifty-nine percent said they were extremely or very concerned with expressions of marijuana use as well.

Depictions of graphic violence also ranked high on the list, with 64 percent of parents saying they were disturbed by these depictions and 59 percent expressing the same concern about violence in horror movies. Cartoon and action/fantasy violence was lower on the list with 31 and 37 percent of parents expressing concerns respectively.

Parents are also concerned about the use of the “F-word” in movies with 53 percent saying it appeared in movies rated PG-13 too often. Only 26 percent felt that PG-13 was an appropriate rating for a movie that contained use of the word.

Joan Graves, senior vice-president and chairman of CARA, wrote in a recent blog post that the reason for the new survey was “to ensure we are being consistent and credible in reflecting the concerns of parents across the country when we determine film ratings.”

The survey, which was conducted by Nielson on behalf of the Classification & Rating Administration, included 1,488 parents with children between the ages of seven and 16.

Click here to read the study.

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