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Voiceless: A Pro-Life Movie for a Time Such as This

voicelessA stunning new pro-life movie, Voiceless, is perfectly suited to this election year as it focuses on the importance of standing up for what we know is right, regardless of the culture that surrounds us.

Voiceless is based on the story of a recently discharge soldier named Jesse Dean (Rusty Joiner, Dodge Ball, Last Ounce of Courage) whose faith in God was restored because of his wife, Julia (Jocelyn Cruz, This is Our Time, Marriage Retreat). The couple move to Philadelphia where he takes on a new job as an outreach leader at an old church whose membership has been in decline. Everything goes well until he discovers that an abortion clinic is opening across the street from his church. Wanting to take action, he can’t seem to get anyone to back him up, not even the pastor of the church.

And then he encounters a young pregnant teen who is overcome with grief after having gone through with an abortion. The family begins to blame Jesse for more than just her final decision. Jesse’s wife, who fears that his actions could get him fired or land him in jail, also comes against him.

Finally, it comes down to him having to make a choice: is he going to take the easy way out and back off, which is what everyone wants him to do, or will he face a major confrontation which will require him to put everything on the line…not just his job, but his freedom and marriage as well.

Voiceless is a film that encourages people to stand up for what they know is right, particularly as it pertains to taking God's truths into society to address social issues. It also addresses the spirit of retreat as it pertains to engaging the culture that has developed within the Body of Christ.

Jason Jones, co-executive producer of the film and founder of Movie to Movement, is working to add 100 screens to the release of new pro-life film which debuts in theaters nationwide on October 7.

“Inch by inch, we are fighting to take back our culture from Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry,” said Jones. “We must help those battling bravely in the legislatures and courts by reshaping the national discourse–one way we do that is through the arts and films such as Voiceless. We see this as a shift from the courthouse to the movie-house in an effort to transform our nation.”

Executive Producer of the influential pro-life movies Bella and Crescendo, Jones knows the power of film to change culture. Bella, inspired countless women to make the choice to keep their baby—over 1000 women wrote the producers sharing their stories. Jones’ short film Crescendo, thanks to the tireless work of executive producer Pattie Mallette, raised millions of dollars for pregnancy centers and launched a national conversation on the importance of pregnancy centers.

Voiceless is a call to the church. Now more than ever as we see no relief from our judiciary or legislative branches, the church must stand up and take a leadership role in protecting the vulnerable,” Jones said. “We are issuing an urgent call to churches and church leaders to recommit themselves to protecting the sanctity of life.”

Churches, schools and community organizations are encouraged to bring Voiceless to their local theaters by buying out a show time or taking a group to the opening weekend of the film.

Click here for more information about how to bring this movie to your town!

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