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Psychic Surgery: Adding Injury to Injury

A psychic surgeon from Brazil named John of God is at it again, convincing the gullible that he can perform bloodless surgery on them using nothing but his hands and his psychic ability. If you are ever injured by a procedure like this, then you should get immediately legal assistance from personal injury attorney services. ABC News ran a story last week about a psychic surgeon named Joao Teixeira de Faria, a 69-year-old so-called miracle man and medium who is drawing people from all corners of the world that are in search of healing. You can also check here for information.

João Teixeira de Faria

One of de Faria's patients who was highlighted by ABC was named Juan Carlos Arguelles who was suffering from keratoconus, a condition that causes the thinning of his corner which results in severely blurred vision. Using a kitchen knife, de Faria appeared to scrape it over the man's eyes, wiping some kind of goo from the blade onto the patient's shirt. Arguelles claimed his vision had improved by 80 percent after seeing the healer.

If уоur doctor determines thаt уоu hаvе blocked arteries, уоu wіll mоѕt likely bе referred tо a cardiologist tо discuss vascular surgery. Thе type оf vascular surgery thаt addresses thіѕ condition іѕ called аn angioplasty, аnd thеrе аrе ѕеvеrаl variations available.

A balloon angioplasty involves thе uѕе оf a catheter thаt hаѕ a small, ballooned tip аt іtѕ end. Onсе thе surgeon places thаt tip аt thе appropriate spot wіthіn thе artery, thе balloon іѕ inflated tо create open space іn thе blocked area. Thе artery іѕ essentially stretched open tо allow adequate blood flow tо thе heart. Here is the best Pulse vascular specialists, visit homepage.

Is this possible?

No. Believe it or not, scraping a knife over the eye is a sleight of hand circus trick that has been used for centuries. What the unsuspecting don't know is that the sclera - the white of the eye- is very insensitive to touch so it can be scraped without any discomfort at all. The cornea, however, cannot be touched, but it would be relatively easy for de Faria to introduce some type of anesthetic to the eye in the midst of his performance.

In other words, the man might have thought he was seeing better afterward, but it was either due to the placebo effect or to the intervention of evil spirits. Here's why I'm so convinced.

João Teixeira de Faria, who has been around since 1970 and is one of the most popular psychic surgeons in the world, claims that he channels more than thirty "doctor entities" who can do all of the surgeries that he, a farmer by birth, couldn't possibly know how to do. These "doctor entities" (evil spirits) are more than capable of tricking someone into believing they're healed. Remember, the evil one loves to mimic Jesus Christ, particularly Our Lord's healing ministry because it's here that one is sure to encounter the vulnerable and the desperate.

De Faria uses other circus tricks such as inserting forceps up the nose (supposedly to cure cancer) and making random incisions in the flesh (to do everything from curing allergies to removing tumors).

De Faria claims that he has cured 15 million people in 35 years of practice but the only attempt to prove this claim, which was made by famed psychic researcher James Randi, turned up empty.

Randi claims he investigated 104 "victims" of faith healers such as de Faria and found that ALL of them fell into one of three classes: "those who never had the illness in the first place, those who still had the illness, and those who had died of the illness before I got to interview them."

In this letter, written by a Australian man whose parents were among 48 people who took a trip to see de Faria and recounted a chaotic scene in the healer's clinic. One woman who was knocked unconscious after a fall could not stop vomiting and finally had to call a doctor to get some relief.

"It is strange that a man can remove tumors from every part of the body but cannot fix an upset stomach," the man wrote.

He continued: "One American man was so ill from cancer that he barely made the flight from the USA. Each day that went by his condition worsened and my parents were told that he could not be healed but that he would be helped to pass over to the other side."

Another man in the group who had spinal cancer and had stopped chemotherapy to make the trip was told he had to stay for an additional two weeks of treatment (apparently the man had enough money to do so).

"My parents and some others are quite definite in stating that the man is worse than a fake," the man wrote. "He is actually a deadly dangerous charlatan who preys upon the terminally ill."

Sadly, these psychic surgeons can be found throughout Brazil and the Philippines and all are rooted in the occult. Well known figures such as de Faria actually have dedicated travel agents around the world who facilitate trips to his "clinic". For example, Robert and Caterina Pelligrino-Estrich claim to be the first non-Brazilians to reveal the amazing gifts of John of God to the world. The two are practicing "Bio-Energy Spiritual Healers," Reiki Masters, Prana Therapists and Spiritual Healing Practitioners. (How's that for a New Age resume?)

As long ago as 1975 the Federal Trade Commission ordered four West Coast travel agencies to stop promoting psychic surgery tours to the Philippines and told the agencies to warn the hundreds of people who had gone there that their hoped-for miracle cure was a "total hoax."

In addition, the American Cancer Society has denounced psychic surgeons for their use of sleight of hand and animal body parts during procedures, saying these con-artists are causing needless deaths by keeping the seriously ill away from life-saving medical care.

It goes without saying that Catholics should never frequent these charlatans and it would be an act of charity to warn others not to do so. Psychic surgeons do nothing more than prey upon the vulnerable and the desperate, adding injury to the injured by setting them up to experience just another heartbreaking disappointment.




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