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Election Day Advice from Father Frank Pavone

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, is urging pro-life voters to focus on getting people out to the polls during these last two weeks before Election Day.

"We’re in the home stretch to Election Day, and our job now is to keep our eyes on the prize," Father Pavone wrote in a recent e-mail. "There’s only one thing counted on election night, and it’s the number of votes actually cast for each candidate. The job between now and then is to increase those numbers. Get people to utilize early voting. Remind people to vote. Drive them to the polls. And for those who can’t get there, make sure they fill out their absentee ballots."

He goes on to warn about many circumstances that might arise to distract us from pursuing this simple numbers game, such as the following:

-  Abstruse arguments about the interpretation of Church documents. "Now I have the highest respect for Church documents; in fact, I’ve helped to write some of them. And I think we all need to read and study them more, which is why Priests for Life prepares study guides for many of them," Father writes. "But this is not the time to get caught up in arguments about what a document means or doesn’t mean. This is the time to spend our energy getting people to the voting booth."

- Various interpretations of faithful citizenship. "Despite the fact that Church documents place clear priority on the right to life, some try to muddy the waters and say all issues are equal. Don’t get distracted. Answer them with your feet and get people to the voting booth."

- Fears about risking tax exempt status by distributing voters' guides in a diocese. "You will hear about silly fears and arguments about crossing tax-exempt lines, or all kinds of assertions that 'we can’t distribute this or that voters’ guide in our diocese.' Thank the priest for letting you know, but don’t waste time arguing with him. Go pick up the slack, educate voters, and get them to the voting booth."

- Psychological warfare. "There will be psychological warfare about who is ahead or where the polls are leaning or how hard it is for one or another to win. The fact is that the presidential race is too close to call and for all practical purposes it’s going to stay that way. So just focus on getting votes."

- Arguing with the hard of heart. "You may be tempted to have arguments with the hard of heart, to persuade those who always vote the wrong way to vote the right way. We’ll work on their conversion later. For now, focus on getting people to the polls."

- Criticizing Pro-Life Views. "Some will criticize candidates who call themselves pro-life, saying that they are not pro-life enough. They may have a point, but now’s not the time to make it. Go out and get as many votes as possible for the best candidates who are actually within reach of winning." © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®

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