is reporting that the show centers around a doctor named Dr. John W. Thackery (played by Clive Owen) and the staff of a fictional hospital known as Knickerbocker Hospital ("The Knick"). Set in the early part of the 20th century, it was a time when abortion was illegal.
The August 15 episode of the film featured a nun named Sister Harriet (played by Cara Seymour) who is a nurse and runs an orphanage. She visits an Irish Catholic woman named Nora who wants an abortion, but doesn't want her husband to find out.
“Your husband will know nothing of it. I promise,” Sister Harriet reassures.
“Will God forgive me? I don’t want to go to hell for killing a baby,” Nora asks.
“He knows that you suffered. I believe the Lord’s compassion will be yours,” Sister Harriet responds.
At this point, the audience is led to believe that the nun performs the abortion.
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, was outraged by the crass denigration of Catholicism.
It is no secret that Hollywood is a big pro-abortion town, but to depict a nun who performs an abortion is a new low," Donohue said. "The only saving grace in this episode is the real-life recognition of the woman who is about to have the abortion: she admits that her baby is going to be killed."
Viewers wishing to express their displeasure can contact Keith Cocozza, Senior VP of Communications at Time Warner at
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