Blog Post

OK Civic Center Exorcised After Black Mass

OK Civic CenterCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The Archbishop of Oklahoma City and a fellow priest performed "prayers of exorcism" inside the Oklahoma Civic Center Music Hall to rid the building of any evil spirits that may have infested it after the September 21 black mass.

According to The Oklahoman, Diane Clay, spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City said that Archbishop Paul S. Coakley decided to perform prayers of exorcism after some Civic Center patrons expressed their anxiety about the possibility that some of the demons invoked during the ritual might have taken up residence in the Civic Center.

“From the beginning, we have taken seriously the dark and dangerous spirits being invited into our community," Archbishop Coakley said in a statement. "We anticipated this would be a concern for those visiting the Civic Center, and we’ve received many questions about the safety of the building following the satanic ritual.”

The cleansing of the building was performed at 7:30 a.m. the morning after the mass.

Fewer than 50 people actually attended the mass, which was sponsored by a group of satanists led by Adam Daniels of the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu Syndicate. He claimed the mass, which is a mockery of the Catholic Mass, was being held in order to help people to become less afraid of the Catholic Church.

Daniels scoffed when he heard that Coakley exorcised the building.

“I find it hilarious how over-responsive he’s being to all of this,” Daniels said. “As I said before, it (black mass) is a deprogramming ritual to cast Christianity out of people. All they (archdiocese) care about is their religious freedom and not anybody else’s.”

To call a black mass a "deprogramming ritual" reveals just how clueless this man is about the nature of the being he is calling down upon himself and his community.

As Coakley so appropriately warned before the mass took place, invoking Satan during a black mass has ramifications far beyond just those who attend the event and can call down evil upon the entire community.

More than a few people remembered this warning four days later when a self-professed Islamic radical walked into a food processing plant in nearby Moore, Oklahoma and decapitated one woman while seriously injuring another.

Sometimes Satan chooses not to disguise himself and will appear exactly as he is -  pure evil.

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