A Jewish journalist, walking around Paris in traditional garb, captured shocking evidence that there is a definite anti-Semitic dark side to the famous “City of Lights”.
FoxNews.com is reporting on the story of Zvika Klein, of the Jewish media outlet, NRG, who endured an appalling barrage of threats and slurs as he walked the streets of Paris wearing a kippa and a tzitzit. A videographer, whose camera was hidden in a back pack, preceded him through the streets of Paris, past the Eiffel Tower and Champs Elysees, into Jewish and Muslim neighborhoods, during a 10 hour walk through the city.
“Welcome to Paris 2015, where soldiers are walking every street that houses a Jewish institution, and where keffiyeh-wearing men and veiled women speak Arabic on every streetcorner,” wrote Klein. “Walking down one Parisian suburb, I was asked what I was doing there. In modern-day Paris, you see, Jews are barred from entering certain areas.”
In one case, a little boy pointed at him and asked his hijab-clad mother, “Doesn’t he know he will be killed?”
Some of the comments made to Klein were too disgraceful to be repeated here, but Muslim men would shout after him, “Viva Palestine!” and “Hey you, with the kippa, what are you doing here?"
“Areas known as tourist attractions were relatively calm, but the further from them we walked, the more anxious I became over the hateful stares, the belligerent remarks, and the hostile body language,” wrote Klein. “At times it was like walking in downtown Ramallah [in Palestine],” he wrote.
Klein’s article drew the obvious conclusion – Jews are no longer welcome in Paris. The video will do little to assuage the chagrin of French President Francois Hollande who responded angrily to a recent suggestion from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who invited Jews to come to Israel because they were no longer safe in Europe.
"We know there are doubts, questions across the community," Hollande retorted on Monday. "I will not just let what was said in Israel pass, leading people to believe that Jews no longer have a place in Europe and in France, in particular."
But the facts, captured on Klein’s video, speak for themselves. Anti-semitism has been spreading throughout Europe in recent years. In just the past few days, hundreds of Jewish graves were desecrated in a French cemetery and a gunman attacked two Jewish facilities in Copenhagan in crimes similar to those committed last month in Paris.
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