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Largest Security Op in US History Launches Today!

secret service logoToday marks day one of the largest security operation in U.S. history as officials in several major cities, along with thousands of security personnel, mobilize to protect the enormously popular Pope Francis who arrives at Andrews Air Force Base in Bethesda, Maryland at 4:00 p.m. today.

According to the Washington Post, federal authorities are expecting hundreds of thousands of spectators to gather in Washington, DC, New York and Philadelphia during the Pope’s five-day visit to the U.S. Because this pope has a penchant for wading into the adoring crowds, law enforcement is being seriously strained as officials struggle to be sure he’s protected.

This means securing enormous sites such as the U.S. Capital, the parade route along Constitution Avenue in Washington D.C., Madison Square Garden and Central Park in New York, as well as the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia where an open-air Mass is expected to draw 1.5 million people.

During his visit, the pope will be traveling via Shepherd One jet, helicopter, golf cart and Jeep popemobile, and will be accompanied by a 30-person entourage that includes translators, the Vatican police chief and two Swiss guards in plain clothes.

A credentialed media corps of more than 7,000 will also be trailing him through two dozen scheduled events.

Needless to say, the challenges are immense – and complicated.

DHS logoThis is especially true because the pope’s visit to New York coincides with the 70th U.N. General Assembly which is bringing more than 150 foreign leaders and their delegations to the city. Residents are being told to expect virtual lockdowns in portions of midtown during this unprecedented event while up to 5,000 uniformed police may be employed.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is rising to the challenge and has designated all three of Francis’s stops a National Special Security Event.

As the Post explains, this is a rare designation previously used for presidential inaugurations, State of the Union addresses, political conventions, NATO summits and the 2002 Winter Olympics and Super Bowl only because they took place in the wake of 9/11.

“The U.S. Secret Service is in charge of coordinating the massive intergovernmental operation on counterterrorism operations, crowd management, crisis response and air and vehicle traffic control,” the Post reports. “The FBI, Capitol Police, Coast Guard, Pentagon and Federal Emergency Management Agency are closely involved in the planning, along with local police departments.”

“They’re standing up one of the largest security programs for an individual in U.S. history over three cities,” said Jonathan Wackrow, a former Secret Service agent who assisted in security preparations for Obama’s 2013 inauguration. “The level of protection afforded to Pope Francis is equal to or exceeding that provided to the president of the United States.”

At a news conference in Philadelphia on Friday, Johnson said that federal and local authorities have been planning for months.

FBI logo“I want to stress the level of preparation and planning and coordination,” said Johnson, flanked by Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter (D). “We have worked hard to achieve what we believe will be a safe and successful event and visit by the Holy Father and a safe and successful time for all those who wish to be here and see him. We believe we have struck that right balance for the public.”

Even though other popes have visited the U.S., this time is different because of Francis’ habit of mingling with the crowds. For this reason, Clancy traveled to the Vatican this summer to work with the Church’s security division. During the visit, they followed the open-air popemobile around Vatican Square to observe Francis’ movements. They also met personally with the pope.

In addition, Secret Service counter-snipers and counter-assault agents have been drilling with a replica popemobile at training facilities.

Foreign and domestic terrorist threat levels are also being monitored 24/7. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.), chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, said publicly last weekend that the Secret Service had disrupted a plot related to the pope’s visit.

Security experts are hoping to avoid a repeat of what happened in Rio de Janeiro in 2013 when the pope’s vehicle was blocked by the rush of a frenzied crowd. While stalled in the throng, the pope rolled down his window and began interacting with people.

Although they want to avoid this, the Secret Service says they have already been instructed by the Vatican not to “manhandle” the pope in rope lines such as how they hold onto the president’s belt or suit coat in order to evaculate him quickly if necessary.

The Post reports that even congressional leaders have been asked not to try to shake the pope’s hand or touch him as he walks through the House chamber to deliver remarks on Thursday.

“With all the security, we still have to address the main purpose of this,” said John Miller, a spokesman for the New York Police Department told The New York Times. “Which is, His Holiness would like to make contact, be seen by, enjoy the presence of as many people as possible. So while we have to secure the visit, we also have to keep it as open and viable to allow the real purpose of his trip to flourish.”

The faithful are relieved to know that our Holy Father will be so well protected, but we also know that best security of all will be the blanket of prayers that will surround him through every step of this historic moment in our history.

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