is reporting on a petition drive that is asking the city to rethink its plans to permit Adam Daniels, the same Satanist who staged a black mass in the city last year, to pour stage blood over a statue of Our Lady. The event will take place on December 24 in front of St. Joseph Old Cathedral in Oklahoma City.
“The purpose of the blood is to add another layer of corruption to Mary, which is an emblem of the Catholic Church,” Daniels recently told The Oklahoman.
News of the blasphemous presentation has sparked ire in Catholics around the nation as they prepare for one the holiest feast days in the Church.
“This public attack against the Mother of God on Christmas Eve is more than a morbid cry for media attention and should be called out for what it really is: religious persecution with City Hall approval,” the TFP says.
“To dismiss this satanic desecration right in front of St. Joseph Old Cathedral as a simple publicity stunt is to ignore the grave nature of this public sin and its consequences for our nation as one nation under God.”
As a result, they have launched a petition drive addressed to Mick Cornett, the mayor of Oklahoma City, asking him to revoke the permit.
“With Oklahoma City's apparent stamp of approval, satanists will desecrate a statue of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, in front of St. Joseph Old Cathedral on Christmas Eve,” the petition reads. “I respectfully urge you to revoke the permit issued for this public sacrilege which will only incite hatred against God and His Church, injure the name of Mary, disturb the peace and harm the community. Stop this religious persecution.”
TFP Student Action is planning a peaceful protest outside City Hall on Wednesday, December 23, at noon where they will recite the Holy Rosary.
“ . . . [W]hat better Christmas gift can we offer the Infant Jesus [than] a robust defense of His Mother's good name.”
Click here to sign the petition!
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