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2015 Was a Big Year for Pro-Life Movement!

woman with babyThis past year saw many pro-life victories, from the passage of nearly 50 new abortion restrictions to the revelation of a fetal baby parts scandal that rocked the U.S. abortion industry and resulted in numerous federal and state investigations. is reporting on this year’s advances in the move to ban abortion or at least make it a safer procedure for women until that end can be achieved.

Some of those victories include:

• For the first time in U.S. history, both houses of the U.S. Congress voted to halt over $500 million of annual federal funding to Planned Parenthood and to direct money to comprehensive health clinics that outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics by 20 to 1. Although the bill had no hope of ever being signed by President Obama, passage sent a clear message to the abortion industry that this money can be taken away from them if a pro-life president is elected to office.

• Abortions dropped 12 percent since 2010. This decline occurred in both red and blue states which reflects a possible trend in women choosing life instead of abortion. Statistics do show that the drop in abortion numbers has been steady over the last decade.

• States across the country spearheaded 400 bills aimed at protecting women and unborn babies with 47 of these bills becoming law. These measures included bans on abortions after 20 weeks, tougher safety standards for abortion clinics and the passage of informed consent laws.

• Planned Parenthood was forced to publicly admit that they do not provide mammograms to their patients which is contrary to what is often implied by leaders of the organization. Nicknamed “the mammosham”, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admitted during a hearing on Capital Hill that these services are not, and never have been, provided by her clinics. is reporting that 53 abortion clinics were shut across America this year with another 28 reducing services. This means that 81 percent of abortion clinics that were operating in 1991 have been closed.

• Perhaps the biggest pro-life victory of the year came about when a pro-life journalist released videos exposing the abortion industry’s black market baby parts business. A dozen videos were released depicting Planned Parenthood leaders callously discussing the sale of fetal body parts to the highest bidder, which in this case was a fictitious human tissue procurement business known as the Center for Medical Progress.

As a result of the videos, the barbarous practice received intense public scrutiny and inspired both state and federal lawmakers to initiate costly and intrusive investigations into Planned Parenthood in search of possible criminal activity in its body parts procurement business.

It also inspired an unprecedented move toward defunding the abortion giant which currently receives $500 million in taxpayer funding.

These are just a few of the highlights of this eventful year in the pro-life movement, a battle that will continue until the right to life of every preborn child is guaranteed in America.

“Ending abortion in the United States begins with the individual. Each person who changes his or her mind about abortion — who encounters the humanity of the preborn child and the violence of the abortion procedure— is key to shaping national sentiment,” writes LiveAction’s Becky Yeh.

“Every day, through comments on Live Action’s social media platforms and personal e-mails, team members hear of individuals who changed their mind about abortion after watching a Live Action investigative video, reading a life-affirming story, or encountering the humanity of preborn children through educational campaigns.”

May God bless the work of those who fight for the lives of His precious infants and make 2016 a banner year for the culture of life!

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