Writing for Breitbart, Dr. Susan Berry is reporting on the research conducted at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and published in the Open Journal of Preventive Medicine. Researchers found that because abortion is not listed as a “cause of death”, the public has remained largely unaware of just how many more minorities are being killed by the practice. This missing information also skews the data which is used for public policy because mortality, along with fertility and migration, is among the major determinants of the size and composition of the nation.
Authors James Studnicki, Sharon J. MacKinnon, and John W. Fisher write:
“The exclusion of a major cause of death from the vital statistics system, especially one with large racial and ethnic disparities, should be a major concern to the scientific community and society as a whole. Therefore, we considered abortion as a cause of death in order to: 1) assess its magnitude against other major causes of death; 2) assess its contribution to years of potential life lost; and 3) compare its relative impact on these outcomes for the three major racial and ethnic groups in the United States: Hispanics and non-Hispanic Blacks (NHB) and Whites (NHW).”
Researchers analyzed data from 2009 of pregnancy outcomes, including estimates of induced abortions as collected by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and deaths due to all causes, and found that induced abortion accounted for more than 61 percent of black deaths and 64 percent of Hispanic deaths, but only 16.4 percent of white deaths.
“For Hispanics and [blacks], deaths from abortion are 4.2 and 3.5 times, respectively, the number of deaths from all diseases of the heart and malignant neoplasms combined,” the authors write.
They also found that deaths due to abortion were 79.3 times the number of homicide deaths for Hispanics and 57.5 times for blacks. For whites, abortions deaths were 12.4 times the number of suicide deaths.
“The study is published, ironically, at the close of an Obama administration that has cast many issues in light of its perceived racial and ethnic disparities over the past eight years. Despite this characteristic, abortion as a cause of death is not being reported in light of very real racial disparities in the number of deaths it produces. Instead, the procedure has been promoted and protected as one that provides women with ‘health care’,” Dr. Berry reports.
“Additionally, abortion has been fully embraced by the Democratic Party and its nominee Hillary Clinton, as it has never been before. Clinton herself has said she plans to work to eliminate the longstanding Hyde Amendment — a federal provision that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion. Clinton’s specific reason for expanding taxpayer funding of abortion is to allow minority women — most of whom are black and Hispanic — to obtain even more abortions.”
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart, Dr. James Studnicki, principal researcher for the study, explained that politics is a major reason why scientists are not reporting abortion as a cause of death.
“It is clear that the overwhelming proportion of academics and public health professionals support access to legal induced abortion,” Studnicki said, which explains why Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at this year's meeting of the American Public Health Association.
For legal abortion advocates, abortion as a death is an inconvenient truth for their narrative, which is why they use euphemisms such as "freedom of choice" and "women's rights" rather than labeling an induced abortion as a death.
As an illustration of the prevalence of this point-of-view among the American scientific community, Studnicki said the editor of a scientific journal declined to publish their paper because “the reviewers were all staunch advocates of ‘choice’ and were unhappy with your point of view.”
“This is a chilling victory of ideology over science,” Studnicki said.
As a result of this bias, abortion remains the leading cause of death for both blacks and Hispanics with no one willing to do anything about it.
“Imagine the urgent scrambling among federal health bureaucracies if some mysterious new virus or bacteria were killing more than a million children each year,” Studnicki said.
On the other hand, complete and extensive recording and reporting of each abortion would enable the scientific community to evaluate important correlates, determinants and outcome of abortion with the intent of developing effective preventive strategies, he said.
“The ramification of denial of abortion as a death is the willful ignorance of abortion’s impact on society. One can only wonder how long this official subterfuge would be tolerated if it were whites who were disproportionately affected.”
What can be done to correct this situation?
“ . . . The logical and most cost-effective way to achieve that goal is to formally consider abortion as a reportable death,” the report concluded.
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