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National Education Association to Promote Communism in Schools

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Most parents will be appalled to learn that the nation's largest teachers union, long known for its radical politics, has added Oct. 1 to its list of "Diversity Events" as a day to celebrate the deadly founding of communism in China by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. According to a report by World Net Daily (WND), the entry appeared on the website of the National Education Association (NEA) until the WND report was published, after which time it was promptly scrubbed from the site. None of the experts on the controversial uinon were surprised by the news. University of North Carolina–Wilmington criminal-justice professor Mike Adams told WND he believes the NEA's decision to celebrate Mao is borne out of intellectual arrogance. "I think this really shows they're not dedicated to the principle of diversity. You know the diversity scheme has always been an example of cultural Marxism," he said. Celebrating the communist takeover of a nation that resulted in the death of millions of innocent people "just shows they're contrarians and they'll celebrate anything that is contrary to our Judeo-Christian principles and our capitalistic society," Adams said. "It's just another example of identity politics." Worldview Weekend President Brannon Howse said he wasn't shocked to hear about the new addition to the NEA's list of diversity events. "I'm appalled but not shocked because of the National Education Association's long love affair with communism," Howse said. "Most Americans are going to be shocked but this helps us understand who the National Education Association really is. The NEA is a group of radicals who are opposed to parental authority, opposed to accountability, and they're not for traditional education," Howse added. "They're not about reading, writing and arithmetic. They are for a progressive, liberal, anti-American worldview and most of the teachers who pay dues to the NEA do not agree with the liberal stances of the National Education Association," Howse explained. Howse also believes that the celebration of communism is consistent with the NEA's philosophy of rejecting the traditional family. "They support feminism, which is antifamily, anti-father," he told WND. "They openly write about the need to destroy the father, the male, the leader of the home, the defender and the provider. Break down the family and it will grow the government and the welfare state." The NEA is also a strong supporter of the radical socialist organizer Saul Alinsky, and enthusiastically recommends his books - one of which is dedicated to Satan - to American teachers. The NEA is the largest labor union in the U.S., representing public-school teachers, college and university faculty, retired education employees and college students preparing to become teachers. An NEA official told WND no one from the organization was available for comment. Visit WND to view the listing of the Oct. 1 celebration before it was removed by the NEA. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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