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NFP Awareness Week: A Time to Share the Truth!

19566692 - pleased young man with his charming girlfriendNFP Awareness week begins on Sunday, July 23, and because so many women are turning away from artificial contraceptives because of dangerous side effects and a desire to live free of harmful chemicals, it’s the perfect time to speak up about fertility awareness-based methods.

Helen Alvare of Women Speak for Themselves (WSFT), a national grassroots movement empowering women to speak up in media, local communities and online, is encouraging women to get the word out about fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) which too many women still equate with “the rhythm method.” Times have changed and these methods involve cutting-edge science but too many women aren’t aware of this.

“FABMs can be challenging for some women and couples,” Alvare writes. “They require some abstinence, diligence, greater communication between couples, and more. At the same time, there’s a lot of misleading information out there.”

For example, most women don’t know that:

• FABMs are as effective as hormonal contraceptives (and without the side effects) • FABMs can be used by women who do not have regular menstrual cycles • Most couples who use FABMs report that it has either improved their sex life and relationship or left it unchanged.

Most importantly, “FABMs can play an important role in reconnecting sex with marriage and kids for the good of families, communities, and the world,” Alvare adds.

NFP Awareness Week starts on July 23rd and it’s designated as a national educational campaign to share how natural family planning methods benefit women, marriages and families.

“Because of the myths and ignorance surrounding FABMs, you will need to speak for yourself about this topic,” Alvare says.

She suggests that women use the WSFT fact sheet which explains FABMs. These facts can be used to draw up op-eds or letters to editors of local newspapers, when sharing information in your parish or even in casual discussions with friends. Use it in any way you can to get the word out!

We’re also being encourage to sign a petition asking the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to update their website with evidence-based data showing the effectiveness rates of FABMs. Their outdated information, which contains misleading statistics about the effectiveness of these methods, is one reason why doctors are recommending these methods which results in women not receiving the information they need to make the right choices for themselves.

The USCCB is also providing a wealth of resources to share next week. The theme for the week is: “It’s Time! Say ‘Yes’ to God’s Plan for Married Love” and their website has everything from talking points and bulletin inserts to posters and couple’s testimonials.

Let’s make the week of July 23-29 a time to celebrate and reverence God’s vision of human sexuality!

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Click here for a free downloadable pamphlet about the dangers of artificial contraception.





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