Founded by Johnnette Benkovic of Living His Life Abundantly, Inc.®/Women of Grace®, the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women is now enrolling women for the 2018 on-line summer semester of the Catholic Women’s Leadership Studies at Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. Registration runs from March 26 through April 27 for two courses available during the summer semester which begins May 7.
Dr. Marianne Siegmund will be teaching “The New Evangelization” (3 credits) which explores the biblical-theological foundation of the new evangelization in light of St. John Paul II’s call for new ardor, expression, and method in evangelization. Specific attention will be paid to the unique and remarkable role of the feminine person in bringing the hope of the Gospel to those who have fallen away from the faith of Holy Mother Church.
Father Joshua Genig, Ph.D., will teach “The Fundaments of Catholic Servant (Virtue) Leadership (3 credits), which explores the nature of servant leadership in light of the inextricable connection with the person of Jesus Christ who came to serve, not to be served. Emphasis will be both theological and practical, with the aim of forming faithful and skilled servants of Jesus Christ, across all walks of life.
Credits are applicable to non-credit or credit certification, undergraduate or graduate credits in Catholic Women's Leadership Studies. Undergraduate credits can be applied toward a Bachelor of Arts in Theology. Graduate credit hours can be applied toward a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies degree with a concentration in Catholic Women's Leadership Studies.
The mission of the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women is to identify, educate, develop and train Catholic women to be active leaders and mentors of the day in accord with their state in life – whatever that state in life might be.
When Carmen Schattner was considering how to move forward after making a life-changing move from the Midwest to the East Coast, the Catholic Women’s Leadership Studies program became the answer to prayer. When she heard about the program, she had a feeling of urgency, “like the time really is now. I just knew that I couldn’t wait. I can’t hesitate, or look to someone else to do it. Why not me? Why not now?”
Why not you?
For more information, visit www.benedicta.womenofgrace.com or call Adora Ibrahim at 1-800-558-5452 ex.2121 or email aibrahim@womenofgrace.com for additional information.