This is the first time that Lynette Wijnveldt a Flight Attendant for United Airlines, is facilitating the study, which she does in between juggling a busy flying schedule. Thankfully, Roeana Alexander, who helps with Faith Formation at the parish, pitches in when she can’t make it.
“She is the one who is teaching me to be organized,” Lynette says of Roeana. “She is my inspiration! I could not have done this without her!”
This team work has resulted in a fruitful study for all. “Many of us have crosses in our lives and this study has taught us to trust in Jesus,” Lynette said.
Every chapter seems to bring a new flood of graces. For example, the week after the lesson the Eucharist, Lynette said many of the women were in tears at Sunday Mass. Others really enjoyed the lessons on prayer.
These graces will be put to good use in this parish which has adopted the motto, “A church without walls, for a love without limits.”
“We literally have no walls,” Lynette said. “The church is all glass sliding doors. We don’t limit our ministry to what happens on our campus. We go out into the community. Father William says, we want to be the ‘leaven’ as Jesus talks about in the larger community. It’s about evangelization!”
This call to evangelize is already being answered within the homes of some of the attendees. “Several husbands have read through some of the pages of our book asking if there was something like this for men,” Lynette said.
And, as is customary for Women of Grace® groups, a new sacred sisterhood has already formed and the ladies are talking about doing a pilgrimage together to visit some of the places that were mentioned in the study.
“We all have been touched by this study," Lynette said. "I personally am sorry to see it coming to an end.”
She's hoping to take the study to other parishes on Oahu. “I’m planning to retire soon and that would be my new job, God willing," she said.
What better way to spend a retirement than by filling the days bringing hope and healing to women on the beautiful island of Oahu? That would be a dream-come-true for all of us!
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