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Deadly Drug Being Used to Treat Gender Dysphoria in Children

Although the media and many in the country’s medical associations are loathe to report it, a popular drug used to treat girls and boys suffering from gender dysphoria is not approved for this use and is linked to thousands of adverse reactions, including over 6,000 deaths.

According to The Stream, a drug known as Lupron, or (leuprolide acetate) is a hormonal agent used to treat prostrate cancer in men and endometriosis in women. It’s also referred to as a “chemical castrator” because of its use in sex offenders. The drug’s action is to lower the release of hormones which can contribute to the growth of cancer and aggravate the condition of endometriosis in women. Approved for this purpose in 1989, it was later given the green-light to treat central precocious puberty in girls.

However, doctors are now using the drug “off-label” – which means it doesn’t have FDA approval for this use – in children who suffer from gender dysphoria. Because there are no studies of its long-term effect on children, this is being done at an enormous cost to their health.

“It is linked to not only debilitating illnesses in young people who took the drug, but it has been linked to thousands of deaths,” reports The Stream’s Nancy Flory. “Since 2004, the drug Lupron has been linked to almost 20,000 ‘serious’ adverse reactions, including over 6,000 deaths, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The label warns of heart attacks, strokes, sudden death. Life-threatening blood clots were also associated with the drug.”

In addition, those who have taken the puberty blockers often suffer from chronic illnesses in their early- to mid-twenties such as osteoporosis, brittle bones, degenerative disc disease and chronic pain.

“Young people who take the drug also complain of hot flashes, insomnia and brittle bones, among other symptoms,” Flory reports. “One teenager told London’s The Times newspaper that she kept breaking bones. ‘I stubbed my toe; it broke. I fell over; my wrist broke. Same with my elbow’.”

Michael Laidlaw, an endocrinologist from California, told the National Catholic Register that “these drugs actually induce a known disease in previously hormonally healthy children.”

This condition, known as hypgonadotropic hypogonadism, is serious and is normally treated by endocrinologists because it interferes with development. “But in [gender dysphoria] cases, they’re inducing this disease state,” Laidlaw said.

Even worse, the drug can cause permanent infertility. “If you take these long-term, you wind up with an adult with child-like sex organs. If they are taken at a very early stage, they won’t develop sperm," Laidlaw said.

How could this be allowed to happen and why isn’t someone putting a stop to it?

As Laidlaw explained in an extensive report on this subject which was published by The Christian Post in 2018, "The awareness of what is going on today, even within the medical community, has been very low."

He became aware of it when a local school reportedly held a gender transition ceremony for a five-year-old that left the whole class traumatized. He began looking into it and discovered that behind the push toward this particular medical paradigm was a highly politicized group called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), an organization that has effectively overhauled the entire conversation.

"What they did very cleverly was get involved with the largest global professional organization representing the field of endocrinology, called the Endocrine Society," of which Laidlaw is a member, he said. "The Endocrine Society put out guidelines for everything to do with gender affirmative therapy from medications to surgical treatments for adults and children in 2009 and then revised them in 2017."

These pro-transition recommendations were given the group's formal stamp of approval. To the best of his knowledge, there was no organized opposition to the change and other medical groups have since published similar guidelines.

Having prominent groups like the Endocrine Society or the American Academy of Pediatrics endorse this makes other professionals think it’s fine even though it isn’t.

"And then there is the fear factor, of course, where physicians who are leery about this treatment are afraid to say anything because maybe they work for say [health care provider] Kaiser. I have been told by a Kaiser doctor: 'Well, I can't say anything about this or I may lose my job. I have a family to feed'," Laidlaw said.

"There have been few physicians willing to stand up and say, 'We need to question this, there is something wrong here. Why are we using cancer drugs on kids without cancer and stopping normal puberty?"

Even when a parent decides that gender transition isn’t a good idea and wants to put a stop to the treatment, they’re “strong-armed” into continuing by being told their child could become suicidal without it.

"It's another bully tactic," Laidlaw emphasized. "It's a gun to parents' heads, the way I look at it. These kids should be getting psychological therapy and counseling, not hormones."

Thankfully, a group of women who took the drug in their youth to shut down puberty and who suffered extreme side effects ranging from degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia, to chronic pain and even the shedding of enamel and cracking of teeth, began to spread the word about this drug on on-line forums such as the

Finally, in a statement to Kaiser Health News, the FDA said they are now conducting a review of the complaints. “We are currently conducting a specific review of nervous system and psychiatric events in association with the use of GnRH agonists [a class of drugs] including Lupron, in pediatric patients.”

The National Health Service (NHS) in England is also conducting an investigation surrounding the use of the drug since it registered a 4,500% increase in the past decade in the number of youth seeking treatment to alter their biological sex.

Laidlaw would like to see even more action taken.

“I think it’s very obvious that the Surgeon General needs to step in and become seriously involved in an investigation as to why drugs like Lupron, which are obviously extraordinarily risky, are being used off label to arrest the normal development of thousands of healthy adolescent bodies,” he told Breitbart News in an email statement.

“If this were any other (non-politicized) situation and this sort of harm was occurring, the doctors and pharmaceutical manufacturers behind it would be investigated immediately, and it would be all over the press.”

As this story confirms, political correctness is more than just an annoying bully tactic - it can also be a matter of life or death.

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