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McCain Receives Endorsement and Miraculous Medal from Bella Producer

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer   Eduardo Verastegui, producer and lead actor of the hit film, Bella, has officially endorsed Senator John McCain for president and recently presented the Arizona senator with a Miraculous Medal blessed by Pope Benedict XVI. “I am endorsing Sen. McCain for President because of his commitments to end abortion, to protect traditional marriage, and to pass fair immigration reform,” said Eduardo Verastegui in an Oct. 22 press release. “With more than 45 million babies killed by abortion in America since Roe v. Wade in 1973, we need to put an end to abortion, and political candidates play a very important role in this matter.” Verastegui pointed out that staggering number of Latino babies killed every year by abortion. “More than 200,000 Latino babies are killed by abortion each year in the USA,” he said. “This holocaust must end.” At a recent McCain rally in Miami, Verastegui met with Sen. McCain, and said to him, “Senator, thank you for your commitment to life . . .   I’d like to give you something. Here is a Miraculous Medal blessed by Pope Benedict XVI.”   According to Verastegui, the senator thanked him and then reached into his pocket and took out a Blessed Mother Teresa medal that he always carries with him.  He said, “Eduardo, now I am going to keep both of these with me everywhere I go.”  Mrs. McCain was also given a Miraculous Medal. “I was touched when I found out that the McCains adopted one of their daughters from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in India,” Verastegui commented. “I think there is nothing more beautiful than to give a child a home, but not only a home, but a family who will love them and sacrifice for them. I hope one day that I can do the same.” Verastegui believes that unless Americans elect a president who will defend fundamental human rights, no one can expect a sound economy, health care or national security . . . including immigration reform. “I can make hundreds of movies like Bella, and they will hopefully save many babies, but it’s never going to be as powerful as a president nominating judges who observe Constitutional law. After all, we are just one pro-life Supreme Court Justice away from overturning Roe v. Wade. We cannot vote for any candidate who supports abortion.” Verastegui, who is Mexican-born, said he also decided to endorse McCain because of the senator’s stance on immigration reforms. He specifically mentioned McCain’s efforts on forging the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform bill. “Where was Obama when this important bill was moving through the Congress?” asks Verastegui. “Obama abandoned the Latino community because he did not want it to hurt his political career. On the contrary senator McCain did not run for political coverage; he risked his political career and stuck in there with us just like he did with his fellow Americans in Vietnam.” He added: “Obama doesn't represent the values of our Latino community.  He has never done anything for us.  He doesn't know who we are.” Verastegui also warned people to be careful about the kind of change they may be voting into office in two weeks. “ . . .(W)hat change are we talking about? Fidel Castro spoke about change in Cuba. Hugo Chavez talks about change in Venezuela, and other charismatic, well-spoken dictators promised change, but look what happened to their countries!” © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.




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