The National Catholic Register is reporting on the program, called A Glimpse Inside™ which was produced by a collaboration between the Texas-based John Paul II Life Center and the Sophia Institute for Teachers. The program will provide students with scientific evidence of life in the womb via physician-led videos on fetal development, guided 3D/4D ultrasounds and a thought-provoking curriculum.
“There is no other high-quality pro-life educational video series that uses 3D/4D ultrasound technology and pro-life apologetics led by board-certified physicians to inform minds and transform hearts across the nation,” the website explains.
The program includes visually stunning videos presented by OB/GYNs from a scientific perspective and a curriculum that allows for small breakout groups to engage students in meaningful discussions with their peers.
The goal of the program’s creators is to get the web-based series and supplemental curriculum into 1,000 U.S. middle and high schools – Catholic, Protestant and public – by the end of this year.
Judging from the response to the program thus far, this feat could be transformational for thousands of young people.
"We have seen the way teens are transformed at parishes that use ‘A Glimpse Inside’ annually,” Natalie Mohr, the John Paul II Life Center’s education director, told the Register.
“There is a greater respect for their peers, increased sexual responsibility, and a love for life in the womb. It is truly a life-changing program,” she said. “One of the most impactful experiences was a teenager coming to us, telling us she is pregnant and is choosing life.”
The program started nine years ago when the Knights of Columbus donated a mobile sonogram machine to the John Paul II Life Center, a prolife non-profit in Austin, Texas that provides free pregnancy services, OB-GYN healthcare and life-affirming educational programs for teens and young adults. Because the sonogram unit is about the size of a large laptop, the center’s founders, Tim and Pat Von Dohlen and Chris and Sheri Danze, got the idea to send physicians out to Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin to conduct live sonogram presentations with real patients.
The lessons learned over these past nine years helped them to create an on-line version of A Glimpse Inside™ in collaboration with the Sophia Institute for Teachers which was founded by Catholic teachers in 2013 to rebuild Catholic culture through service to Catholic education. Coupled with the talents of Cardinal Studios, they believe they’ve come up with a program powerful enough to open eyes and hearts to the dignity of the unborn.
“Young people are at a high risk of being influenced by a media-saturated culture that denies the humanity of the unborn, the tragedy of abortion, and sexual responsibility,” the site explains. “This leaves them vulnerable to experiencing unexpected pregnancies, choosing abortions, and encouraging their partners and peers to choose abortions.”
Thus far, both student and teacher reaction program has been overwhelmingly positive.
"I've never seen an ultrasound before,” said 13-year-old Micah. “It was crazy to see that the heart is beating at that early of a time. Definitely made me rethink some things."
Sarah, a seventh-grade teacher was equally impressed and said, “Our teens are reacting in a way I never thought possible. Such a great resource..."
Click here for more information about bringing a A Glimpse Inside™ to your school. https://www.glimpseinside.org/home
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