Blog Posts
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A new study by British researchers confirms earlier studies that found the premature sexualization of young girls is harmful to their mental well-being. The study concluded that the pressure on girls to look and act older than their age is creating a “generation under stress.”
A Crisis of Faith in West
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
During the long flight to Sydney, Australia for World Youth Day 2008, Pope Benedict XVI told reporters that Western societies are permeated by a crisis of faith because modern man does not believe he needs God.
World Youth Day 2008 Begins
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
Hundreds of thousands of youth prayed, sang and rejoiced together at the opening Mass for World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney, Australia.
Older Americans Happier Than Youth
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
In recent months, several studies have produced a stream of evidence that older Americans are happier than their younger counterparts.
Professor Promising to Desecrate Eucharist
by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A Minnesota professor has issued a call on his blog for consecrated Hosts, promising to “show you sacrilege, gladly and with much fanfare.”
Why Pope Benedict Appeals to Youth
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
While vastly different in style and approach, Pope Benedict XVI appears to be attracting the same huge numbers of youth to World Youth Day as his predecessor, John Paul II.
Death by Dehydration Endangers Us All
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
Whenever an unconscious or semi-conscious patient is deliberately deprived of food and hydration, it sets a dangerous precedent that may one day affect us all, which is why two high profile euthanasia cases have spurred a cry of outrage from both the public and the Vatican in recent weeks.
Catholics for Obama Group Downplays Abortion
by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A new voter-driven group of Catholics who support Barack Obama has been formed to build a grassroots effort to lure Catholics to the side of the staunchly pro-abortion candidate by downplaying the abortion issue.
World Youth Day Indulgences Available for All
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
Even those who can’t make it to World Youth Day activities in Sydney next week can still gain a special Indulgence by agreeing to pray to the Holy Spirit to ask Him to inspire our young people to charity and give them the strength to proclaim the Gospel with their lives.
Excitement Mounts for World Youth Day
by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
Pilgrims from all over the world are beginning to pour into Sydney, Australia in anticipation of next week’s World Youth Day (WYD) festivities.