Blog Posts
JS writes: "My son recently was given "BeyBlades" for his birthday. They are quite popular and based on the Cartoon Network show BeyBlades. There are different symbols on each of the beyblades and I was wondering if this toy and show are tied to the occult."
Pope Suffering from Degenerative Joint Disease
Pope Benedict XVI, who has begun to use a mobile platform instead of walking down the central aisle of St. Peter's Basilica, has been diagnosed with a degenerative joint disease.
The Time to Speak Up for Marriage is Now!
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill yesterday calling for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and even though it is not expected to pass any time soon, experts say some parties within Congress may try to attach it as an amendment to the upcoming Department of Defense Authorization Bill in order to ram it through Congress.
The Last Things
"At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love."
St. John of the Cross
For Reflection:
How much do I love God? What about my life reflects the reality of my love? Where does selfishness hold me bound? Lack of forgiveness? Personal sin?
Restoration Reveals Devil in Famous Italian Fresco
Art restorers working on the famous 13th century Giotto fresco in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi have discovered the head of a demon in one of the clouds.
Hundreds of World Youth Day Pilgrims Still Seeking Asylum in Australia
World Youth Day 2008 is far from over for hundreds of young people from around the world who are petitioning the Australian courts to grant them asylum rather than force them to return home and face almost certain persecution.
Conservatives in U.S. Now Outnumber Liberals 2 to 1
A new survey by polling giant Gallup, Inc. has found that the number of Americans who identify themselves as conservative has risen to 42 percent this year.
The Last Things
"At the particular judgment the soul will be judged about every single thing - its thoughts, words, deeds, and omissions."
Cardinal Gasparri
For Reflection:
How would my thoughts, words, deeds, and omissions stack up today? Would they show a love of God and neighbor? Why or why not? In light of all this, what interior dispositions need to be converted?
FEMA: Don't Stress Over Today's Emergency Alert Test
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is asking the public not to become alarmed by today's planned emergency test which will be aired at 2:00 p.m. EST on all U.S. television and radio stations.
Vatican Hosts Adult Stem Cell Conference
An international conference entitled "Adult Stem Cells: Science and the Future of Man and Culture" begins today in the Vatican.