
Blog Posts

Wisconsin Law Will Allow Balanced Approach to Sex Education

Thanks to the hard work of pro-family legislators in Wisconsin, the state has passed a new law that will allow different types of sex education in public schools - including abstinence education - replacing the old law which mandated either comprehensive sex ed or nothing.

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Bristol Palin Challenges Obama to Call Her

Bristol Palin,  daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin penned a bold op-ed on her blog yesterday challenging President Barack Obama to call her the way he called Georgetown student Sandra Fluke after she was called derogatory names, daring him to do something wildly unpopular with his base such as call a non-liberal woman like herself who was called much uglier names by a major donor to his campaign.

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Bear Your Sufferings with Christ

“The way of the Cross is the only pathway to peace of mind here and to eternal peace hereafter…Only in the school of the cross can we learn the truest wisdom, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified…”

For Reflection:             

Reflect on the lessons you have learned in the school of the cross. What are they? How has the wisdom you have gleaned encouraged you when you have experienced other crosses?

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Courageous Priest Speaks Out to Kansas Lawmakers

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Although he was invited to give the usual opening prayer at the beginning of a session of the Kansas House of Representatives, Father James Gordon of St. John Vianney Catholic school of Maple Hills, Kansas used the occasion to call for a return to the moral values that made this nation great.

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Obama Offers More Accounting Gimmicks on HHS Mandate

In an effort to quell the uprising against the administration's imposition of mandated contraception coverage for all, the Obama administration has offered what it calls several new options for how to cover these plans, supposedly without infringing on religious freedom. At the same time, it expanded the mandate to include forcing universities and colleges, including Catholic institutions, to provide the free coverage for all students in addition to their employees.

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Remain Serene Even When Misunderstood, 2

“In the trials most repugnant to our natural selves, when we are misunderstood, misrepresented, or calumniated, let us be silent and, like Jesus and Mary, make no attempt at justification… The soul that is dead to itself has mastered the fine art of living.”

For Reflection:

How hard is this virtue to practice! And how imperfectly I live it. Perhaps the key is to die to self in the small affronts I experience each day so that when greater persecutions come I will be spiritually prepared. What are my thoughts about this?

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Remain Serene Even When Misunderstood, 1

“When, through the reception of God’s favors, we are placed in a false light, we should rejoice that God has enabled us to overturn the idol of our self-love and thus to love Him above all things for His own love-worthy sake.”

For Reflection:             

Read John 15: 18-21. What parallels do you see between this quote and the scripture passage? Think of a time when you have been misunderstood. How did you respond? In light of these quotes and in light of your increase of wisdom, what would be your response now? Make a promise to try to remember this lesson of Our Lady the next time you are misunderstood.

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Bear Yourself Toward Others as Mary Did, 2

“The house of Elizabeth, under the blessed influence of Mary, became a school of perfect sanctity in which everything was said and done from religious principle, thus enabling the mother of the Baptist to progress in holiness and allowing the virtues of Christ’s precursor to develop…”

For Reflection:             

Holy Mother Church tells us our homes are to be domestic churches. Am I a blessed influence in my home? To what extent could my home be called a school of perfect sanctity? In what ways am I succeeding in this regard? In what ways can I improve?

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