Blog Posts
In spite of pundits who claim the HHS mandate debate will drive women voters in fear of losing their "rights" to President Barack Obama, new polls show the exact opposite is happening.
7th Graders Get Oral Sex Pamphlet at Catholic School
Parents of seventh graders at an all-girls Catholic middle school in Ontario were outraged to discover that their daughters had been given pamphlets containing explicit details about how to give and receive oral sex.
US Bishops Declare War on HHS Mandate
After a meeting of the Administrative Committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the bishops came out swinging with a bold new statement on the HHS Mandate, saying they are "united for religious freedom" and will not allow the administration to divide them or the media to distort the issue.
Bear Yourself Toward Others as Mary Did, 1
“Who can estimate the degree of grace conferred on Elizabeth through daily contact with the Mother of God? Bearing in her chaste womb the Creator of men and the lord of angels, she infused blessings of the highest spiritual order into the soul of her virtuous relative, not only by her words and actions, but, by her mere presence.”
For Reflection:
In what situations have I imitated Our Blessed Mother by blessing others by my presence. Is there a situation where I can do so today? Am I willing – why or why not?
As HHS Mandate Loses Support, Bishops Hope for New Talks
U.S. bishops are pressing for a place at the table in White House discussions to modify the contentious HHS mandate, a prospect that has become even more important as new polls show dwindling support for the mandate among the general public.
Veterans Outraged Over Obama Flag
Democratic Party officials were forced to take down an American flag with an image of President Obama in place of the stars when confronted by irate local veterans.
And You Thought ObamaCare Doesn't Cover Abortions
Kathleen Sebelius introduced the next big scandal over ObamaCare on Monday night when she announced that the Department of Health and Human Services released a final decree concerning a troubling add-on in the individual mandate section of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which will now require all Americans to pay for abortions.
Rejoice in God’s Greatness, 2
“It is through serving God faithfully that man becomes the beneficiary of his Creator’s mercy.”
For Reflection:
In what ways do I serve God faithfully? Where do I need to become more diligent in my service?
Liberal Media Tries to Spin Lesbian's Buddhism
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann,OCDS
The Washington Post, the same newspaper that gave lesbian Barbara Johnson front-page headlines after a priest denied her communion, is now trying to justify the fact that she is also a Buddhist.
Engineering the Human Body to Combat Climate Change
A new paper by Matthew Liao, professor of philosophy and bioethics at New York University, is suggesting that mankind consider human engineering to combat climate change, such as genetically engineering smaller and "less resource-intensive" children and regulating family size according to fixed allocations of greenhouse gas emissions.