Blog Posts
“If you do not receive him who repents,
Christian Children Have Become Targets of Pakistani Extremists
The latest case of an 11 year-old Pakistani girl with Downs Syndrome who was arrested for allegedly defiling the Koran is just one of many incidents in the past few years that involved the targeting of Christian children by Islamic extremists in Pakistan.
2016: Obama's America Ranks Among Top 10 Films
2016: Obama's America, the hard-hitting documentary about what the country will look like if President Barack Obama wins four more years in the White House, continues to surprise supporters and critics alike as it claimed the No. 8 position in this weekend's top 10 list of movies.
Protestors Dressed as Vaginas Converge on RNC
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
The feminist-run anti-war group, Code Pink, has taken the so-called "war on women" to embarrassing new lows by showing up in Tampa this week dressed in giant vagina costumes and carrying signs proclaiming "Read my lips: Leave my vagina alone."
Smoothing Off Rough Edges
“We need to smooth off the rough edges a little more each day
Are Your Child's School Supplies Toxic?
A recent report from the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice (CHEJ), a non-profit group advocating for environmental health and justice, found that children's vinyl back-to-school supplies are laden with hidden toxins known as phthalates which are associated with asthma, ADHD and birth defects.
Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election
A new study by the Pew Research Center has found that while both President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney are receiving mostly negative coverage from a variety of news outlets, mainstream media sources such as ABC, NBC and CBS show an overwhelming bias in favor of the president.
FDA Issues Warning About Potentially Deadly Supplement
The hidden dangers in the largely unregulated supplements market came back into the limelight again this week when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to consumers about the risks they face by taking Reumofan Plus and Reumofan Plus Premium, popular dietary supplements which can cause serious and even fatal side effects.
FDA Warns About Tattoo Infections
A recent outbreak of illnesses linked to contaminated tattoo inks has prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a new warning about the safety of this practice.
Please, Please, Pardon Me...
“What should characterize our behavior when we ask for pardon?