Blog Posts
Experts are warning about a dangerous new trend in children's fiction which features macabre tales of teens dying of cancer, committing suicide, or watching family and friends from heaven after being raped and murdered.
White House Asked to Designate Catholic Church as Hate Group
Attacks on religious freedom are ramping up as an online petition was launched to request that the White House designate the Catholic Church as a "hate group" for its opposition to same-sex marriage.
Another Win for Religious Freedom!
A Roman Catholic health care service company based in Illinois won a preliminary injunction against the Obama Administration's birth control mandate, a ruling that represents a major victory for religious liberty and yet another setback for the president's embattled rule.
Guest Blogger: A Catholic Newlywed’s New Year’s Resolution: 7 Ways To Be a Holier Wife
By Jacqueline Burkepile
Marriage is such a beautiful vocation and has been my dream my entire life. My dreams finally came true this past summer, and I couldn’t be happier! However, we already feel the craziness of living with another person. Because we’re human, we lose our patience, complain, or argue about things that don’t matter much. I’ve come up with seven New Year’s resolutions to help improve my daily life as a wife. I hope you find this as helpful as I do.
Little Cenacles
“With the help and blessing of God,
Feast of the Epiphany
Look up, sweet Babe, look up and see
Feast of St. John Neumann, Bishop (1811 – 1860)
A man must always be ready,
War on Women Alive and Well - in the White House
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
A newly released photo of President Barack Obama and his top aides reveals that little has changed in a White House that insists upon waging a "war on women" even while under-employing - and underpaying - its female staffers.
Culture of Death Runs Amok
In a perfect example of how the culture of death is running amok in our society, two lesbians and the man who donated the sperm to produce their daughter are involved in a twisted legal battle with the state of Kansas over who should provide for the child.
Senator Sees Angels Before Waking from Coma
In an exclusive interview with the Chicago Daily Herald, Republican Senator Mark Kirk recounts how he saw three angels at the foot of his bed just before he woke up after suffering a massive stroke last year.