An Catholic doctor in Australia may have his licensed revoked after refusing to abort a 19 week-old baby girl because her parents wanted a boy.
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“There is no sin nor wrong that gives a man
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A decision by the federal government to forbid civilian Catholic chaplains from celebrating Mass on military bases during the shutdown has been reversed.
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The results of a new study by the University of New Hampshire found that one in ten young people admit to being sexually violent toward their partner.
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A massive convoy of 18-wheelers is planning to surround Washington DC on October 11 to protest Washington inaction with a gridlock of their own.
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New reports from Nepal reveal a growing number of young people who are drifting away from the inequality inherent in the caste system of India and are finding the equality they seek in the Catholic Church.
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“As there are many kinds of persecution,
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For only the third time in Church history, Pope Francis has convened an Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the fall of 2014 to discuss "pastoral challenges of the family” that are expected to include issues relating to divorced and remarried Catholics.
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Court watchers are anticipating a busy term for the U.S. Supreme Court as it takes up cases concerning abortion, public prayer, and President Obama's contentious birth control mandate.
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A new weight loss trend to achieve a frame so skinny there is a gap between the thighs is leading teen girls and young women into dangerous eating habits.
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