One of the highlights of my year is attending the Catholic Radio Conference, sponsored by EWTN and the Catholic Radio Association, and held each year in Birmingham, Alabama. It is a beautiful time of fellowship with the men and women who have also been called to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through the airways.
Blog Posts
Being a part of Catholic Radio is a gift I could have never have imagined. It is the fulfillment of a call that God placed on my heart many years ago.
Married Couples Address Synod of Bishops
Bizarre Reproductive Technologies of the Future
About the Poetry of Rumi
PC writes: "Can you please educate us about the Muslim philosopher Rumi? I have Catholic relatives that quote him all the time on Facebook. My relatives that are outside the church often respond by “liking” these quotes. Something about these Rumi quotes don’t sit well with me but I can’t put my finger on exactly what bothers me about his philosophy. Thank you."
The Fatima Prayer
Pornography Use Rampant Among Christian Men
Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
SCOTUS Declines Same-Sex Marriage Cases
Amidst Wild Speculation, Historic Synod Begins in Rome
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann,OCDS
Pope Francis convened the much-anticipated Extraordinary Synod on the Family in Rome yesterday and called upon attendees to keep their eyes on Christ and not use the Synod as a means "to discuss beautiful and clever ideas" - many of which are achieving enormous exposure in the secular press - but to follow the Spirit's guidance in order to “better nurture and tend to the Lord’s vineyard.”
Can You Heal Yourself?
MF write: "Nowhere can I find a Catholic critique of The Healing Code by Alex Loyd. Highly suspicious, misleading, pseudo scientific quackery at the very least, and at worst, a dangerous New Age scam that exploits the vulnerable with strange techniques cloaked in quasi-religious terminology. . .