LL writes: “What do you think of Opus Dei? Is it New Age?”
Blog Posts
Fishing With Jesus
God Is Enough
The Presence Of God
Study: The Pill Affects Male Fertility
Pro-Life Victory!
Kevin Basconi’s Angels
MB asks: "I have read Kevin Basconi's three books on angels, called Dancing with Angels and also the seer anointing. I would like to know what you think about them."
Abortion Bill Stalled!
France Honors Kosher Grocery Store Hero
The country of France decided to show its appreciation for a young man responsible for saving dozens of lives during a hostage standoff by Muslim terrorists at a kosher grocery store earlier this month by rewarding him with citizenship.
Kudos to Florida Wedding Planner!
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
A Ukranian immigrant to the U.S. with a successful wedding planning business in Florida is standing up to the politically correct crowd – including the local media – who are attacking her for refusing to plan a lesbian wedding that she has a right to her beliefs and has no intention of backing down.