“We need not despair of any man,
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During today’s General Audience, Pope Francis said children are never a mistake and called them “the greatest blessing which God has bestowed on man and woman.”
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JW asks:
“Is DNA or Life activation an acceptable practice for a Catholic?”
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Supported by thousands of well-wishes, the owners of a pizza parlor in the tiny town of Walkerton, Indiana have decided to open after a firestorm of hate-mail and death threats erupted over their refusal to service same-sex weddings.
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“We know that God makes all things
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Bishop Kevin W. Vann of the Diocese of Orange, California not only knows how to handle all those “gotcha” questions from secular reporters, he has apparently caused at least one reporter to walk away wondering if it was time to “re-evaluate” his relationship with the Church.
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Just a day after delivering a powerful
Urbi Et Orbi message calling upon the world to embrace humility and peace, Pope Francis expressed hope that the world community will not be “silent and inactive” in the fact of the unspeakable crimes being committed against Christians around the world.
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"As long as matters are really hopeful,
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We recently received the exciting news from Regional Coordinator, Monique Russo, who is based in
Gibraltar, of the successful completion of our very first Women of Grace Foundational Study program in Spain.
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We have received a question regarding the work of Jean Genet, a man who claims to have healed his own autism and is now sharing his secret – known as ByoNetics – with other parents. Is it legit?
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