January 24
“I want to go fishing sometimes. How? I will tell you. The most holy passion of Jesus is a sea of sorrows, but, at the same time, a sea of love. Pray to God that He teach you to fish in this sea. Then dive into its depths. No matter how deep you go, you will never reach bottom.”
-St. Paul of the Cross
Courageous Mother Wins War with Twitter
Is It Time for A Spiritual "Yard Sale"?
Catholic Congresswomen Under Fire for Modesty Comments
God and I
January 23
“I began to live as if only God and I existed in the world. Sometimes I considered myself before Him as a miserable criminal at his judge’s feet, and at other times I regarded him in my heart as my Father, as my God.”
Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection
Is Jappa Meditation Okay for Catholics?
House Votes to Protect Abortion Survivors
Why Angry Women Are Losing This Battle
Forty-five years after the passage of Roe v. Wade opened the door to a holocaust that took the lives of more than 60 million Americans, the abortion industry and its disingenuous messaging is in enough of a decline that an annual march full of angry women pushing progressive causes will not be enough to save it.
Practicing the Presence of God
January 22
“The practice of the presence of God is an application of our mind to God, or a remembrance of God present, that can be brought about either by the imagination or the understanding.”
-Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection