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Advent Week Two: A Time for Reconciliation, A Time for Forgiveness, Part V
While it is necessary for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for us to extend forgiveness, it is just as necessary that we seek forgiveness when we have offended another.
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
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Advent Preparation Week Two: A Time for Reconciliation, A Time for Forgiveness, Part IV
While the six steps toward forgiveness outlined by psychologists can be of great help, forgiveness itself is primarily a spiritual work that takes place deeply within the inner confines of our heart. Therefore, making use of the remedies given to us in Sacred Scripture and through Holy Mother Church are of ultimate benefits.
Waiting Patiently
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Energy Medicine: 21st Century Snake Oil
People write to us all the time with questions about the various energy medicine techniques – from Reiki to tai chi and everything in between – so I decided to write a general overview of energy medicine that can provide additional details for those who wish to learn more.
Onward to Bethlehem
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O Jesus living in Mary
O Jesus, living in Mary, Come and live in Thy servants, In the spirit of Thy holiness, In the fullness of Thy might, In the truth of Thy virtues, In the perfection of Thy ways, In the communion of Thy mysteries. Subdue every hostile power In Thy spirit, for the glory of the Father.
A "Pearl of Great Price"
Mary Immaculate
December 9
“The Father of mercies willed that the Incarnation should be preceded by assent on the part of the predestined mother, so that just as a woman had a share in the coming of death so also should a woman contribute to the coming of life.’
-Lumen Gentium #56
For Reflection
After careful reflection, list the truths this paragraph contains in light of Genesis 3:15, the Immaculate Conception, and the Annunciation. How do they point to God’s reality as the “Father of mercies?” Given this paragraph, why do you think Mary is the perfect one to teach us about our feminine call and mission? Consider the time of Mary’s pregnancy. Based on Scripture and your own insights, how do you think this, Our Lady’s “advent,” reflected a continued attitude of surrender? Journal your thoughts. We will consider this time in Our Lady’s life through the next few GraceLines.
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