Blog Posts
JD asks: "Could you please explain to me why chiropractics is listed as New Age in the Pontifical document, Jesus Christ, The Bearer of the Water of Life? What are its New age connections?"
The Pros and Cons of EMDR Therapy
HM writes: "Is EMDR a New Age therapy? I’ve participated in it through my counseling for OCD. It was first presented to me by a Catholic therapist, a wonderful woman who explained that it is effective in people with PTSD and especially OCD because the light bar distracts the front part of the brain, enabling the long-term memory portion of the brain to tap into traumatic memories and reprocess them appropriately. It seemed scientific to me and actually helped calm down many ‘triggers’ for my OCD.
Are Tinctures New Age?
EH asks: "Are tinctures considered new age? Here is a comment from a friend of mine I received in an email who is considering using a tincture as a digestive aide: 'I found out that...(it) is called tincture for people with digestive disorders whose intestines cannot is not called homeopathic in writing at all... it is called an alcohol tincture and things like cayenne pepper are soaked in the 12 percent alcohol so I am trying to see what I can find out about tinctures...'"
Watch Out for Wacky Allergy Treatments!
MA asks: "I’m wondering if you’ve run across any negative information on ALCAT or other companies who test for food sensitivities. Supposedly, if a person is sensitive to a certain food, then staying away from that food allows the body to heal. Scientifically, it makes sense to me, and I don’t see any elements of New Age in this. What do you think?"
Can Catholics Use Alternatives to Treat Serious Illnesses?
Chi Kung (QiGong)
The Buteyko Breathing Technique Won't Cure Your Asthma!
HM writes: "Ihave been reading the articles about alternative medicine and want to make sure of something. . . .(R)ecently I have been learning BUTEYKO breathing for relief from Asthma and I am being taught by an Asthma nurse who suffered with it herself and got cured. The Australian Asthma website teaches it and some of the doctors in the UK teach it. To be honest I think it is a reliable method and not New age, certainly the practicioner is a conventional practitioner and you are told at all times to keep your medication with you but the aim is to reduce and sometimes stop taking medication which is not a bad thing. Recently I had prayers for having done TM and Yoga and would hate to think that this is anything like that. . . . Can you advise?"
Beware of Phony Coronavirus Cures
Is the Sedona Method New Age?
Use of “Natural” Remedies Results in Child’s Death
The tragic story of a four-year-old boy who died of the flu after being treated with essential oils rather than Tamiflu is just another example of the dangers of relying on the misinformation about “natural” cures so prevalent on the Internet.