
Blog Posts

Is Integrative Medicine New Age?

We receive a lot of questions from Catholic who are uneasy about integrative medicine and are afraid of being inadvertently introduced to New Age practices. This is a very real possibility and the discerning Catholic consumer may want to be aware of some of the risks associated with this field of medical care.

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Beware of New Age Uses of Chelation Therapy

LS writes: “I was tested for heavy metals and have high lead. I went to an introspective/medical doctor. He was to do IV chelation therapy with a medicine to bind the heavy metals and to discreet them through the bowels and kidneys. He said it would help my immune system since I have a low immune system from cancer and chemo I had and many other issues. But I don't know if it is okay to do through the Catholic Church teachings and I went on WebMD and it said it is acceptable but it can also take out many minerals that your body needs like calcium and magnesium etc.”

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Testimony: Alternatives Are Often the "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"

We received this feedback from a recent Women of Grace® “Wacky Wednesday” radio show during which we discussed The Healing Code and other pseudoscientific alternatives. This listener was generous enough to share the hard lesson she learned from dabbling in alternatives:

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New Age Self-Help Guru in a Heap of Trouble

Motivational speaker Tony Robbins (photo courtesy of Randy Stewart via Wikimedia Commons)

Tony Robbins, a popular motivational speaker and self-help guru who counsels his fans on the science of personal achievement may need to take some of his own advice as he struggles to recover from accusations of sexually abusing followers to labeling fans who underachieve as “losers.”

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Tellington Touch

SA writes: ”Back in the mid 90's, I purchased a book/tape program for working with pets called "The Tellington Touch" or T-touch. I thought it was a form of massage and I used it to tame my cat. The materials for the program do not mention energy, are mostly filled with testimonials, but do say that the method activates unused neural pathways in the brain. The creator of the program, Linda Tellington-Jones, trained with physicist Dr. Feldenkrais in the 70's and used his method to develop her own. There are now T-touch practitioners worldwide, especially working with horses. Is T-touch New Age? And if so, what does that mean for me and my cat?”

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Ayurvedic medicine

Anonymous: “My brother-in-law has offered to pay all expenses for me to see an Ayurvedic Practitioner that he sees for treatment in New Jersey.  I have seen one before here in my state.  My viewpoint is that despite how ill I am, it would be putting my faith into Eastern Medicine, instead of in Jesus Christ, for my healing.  Am I correct in my view?  Would you explain further, and why it would be unwise to seek healing from this type of Practitioner?"

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The Feldenkrais Method

CF writes: "I live in an over 55 community that is constantly promoting yoga and other 'fitness' programs. The newest program being offered to the seniors is the Feldenkrais Method . . . Are you familiar with this method of fitness? Is this another 'New Age' type program? I looked on the website and it sure looks like one to me. What concerns me the most is that no “religious” activities are allowed at the Club House, no services or Bible studies, yet they offer several of these “yoga” type programs. Would you be so kind as to help me address this?”

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