Blog Post

Combat the Crisis with Prayer!

In response to all that is being revealed in the Catholic Church at this time and drawing on the resources of the new partnership between Women of Grace® at  and the Foundation for Prayer for Priests, Susan Jacobsen, New Jersey Regional Coordinator,  developed the idea of an “Evening of Prayer and Reparation to our Blessed Mother.” 

With the event scheduled for October 16 at the Parish of All Saints in Millville, New Jersey,  Susan drew her inspiration from the words of Our Lady at Fatima on July 13, 1918 when she said: “Continue to say the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary to obtain peace of the world and the end of the war, because only she can obtain it.”

The current crisis is something only Our Lady can handle!

With the permission of her pastor, Susan helped to arrange the "Evening of Prayer and Reparation to our Blessed Mother." And to make the evening even more effective, her pastor asked that the event take place during the Diocese of Camden’s Presbyteral Convocation which will gather together all diocesan priests for their annual meeting. In this way, all who participate in the event will be praying for those priests who are meeting with the Bishop as well as for seminarians.

Parish of All Saints, Millville, NJ

“Parishioners who attend the evening will give praise and honor to our Blessed Mother, Mary as Queen of the Most Holy Rosary during the month dedicated to her,” Susan said. “As a community of faith, the participants will implore Mary as the most powerful intercessor to the Trinity to protect, guide and lead priests and seminarians and families.”

Included in the evening of prayer will be familiar hymns to Mary and recitation of the rosary with meditations on the mysteries and passages from Scripture. The Sorrowful Mysteries meditations which will be used were written by Kathleen Beckman, one of the founders of the Foundation for Praying for Priests.

There will be a time for quiet reflection in front of Jesus reposed in the Tabernacle and the evening will conclude with the Litany of Prayer for Priests composed by Richard Cardinal Cushing.

Surrounding parishes will also be invited to attend. This information will also be sent to the diocesan newspaper to further publicize the evening.

Does this sound like something you might want to arrange in your own parish? If so, contact Susan at





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