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Gravely Ill Child Permitted to Receive Treatment in Italy

Tafida Raqeeb (family handout photo)

In a new case that could have resulted in another tragedy such as Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans, a UK court has permitted a gravely ill five-year-old girl to be transported to Italy for treatment.

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Court Appoints Euthanasia Lawyer to Charlie Gard Case

Victor Butler-Cole ( Victor Butler-Cole (

The parents of Charlie Gard, the 11 month-old baby who is dying of a mitochondrial disease in a London hospital, were horrified to learn that the court appointed lawyer who has been representing their son in court is the chairman of the pro-euthanasia group, Compassion in Dying.

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Breakthrough in Charlie Gard Case

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During a second day of hearings, Justice Nicholas Francis, the judge presiding over the case of Charlie Gard, an 11 month old baby who is dying of mitochondrial depletion syndrome, has agreed to allow a New York doctor to examine the child to assess the efficacy of further treatment before rendering his decision on July 25.

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Inside Charlie Gard Court Proceedings

charlie gard's armySky News is publishing a minute-by-minute blog on today's court proceedings involving 11 month-old Charlie Gard, including the dust-up between Charlie’s parents and the judge as well as testimony from a US expert who describes the kind of treatment he is proposing to improve the boy’s life.

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Court Reconsiders Charlie Gard Case Today

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NOTE: Important update at end of article.

A British High Court is reconsidering the case of Charlie Gard, the 11 month-old infant who is dying of a rare mitochondrial syndrome, after researchers at the Vatican’s Bambino Gesu hospital provided additional evidence that new therapies could help the child.

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Vatican & U.S. Hospitals Offer to Take in Charlie Gard

bambino gesuThe Vatican’s Bambino Gesu pediatric hospital in Rome is offering to take in 10 month-old Charlie Gard, the British infant who is suffering from a terminal disease in a UK hospital that has won the right to discontinue his life support. Another hospital in the U.S. has also offered to take in the child and treat him free-of-charge.

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Pope Intervenes for Parents of Charlie Gard

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In a statement released today, Pope Francis is asking that the desire of the parents of 10 month-old Charlie Gard, who is dying of a rare disease, ans who wish to take him home to die, be permitted to care for their child as they wish until the natural end of his life.

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