Blog Posts
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A national pro-life student organization has released a video on YouTube exposing two Planned Parenthood clinics in Winston-Salem and Charlotte, North Carolina in the act of covering up statutory rape of young girls.
Citizens Demand Public Hearings on Bailout Fiasco
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
The American Family Association (AFA) is rallying an angry public to put pressure on lawmakers to hold open congressional hearings to investigate the financial meltdown on Wall Street that will cost American taxpayers $700 billion.
No Body Found in Cardinal Newman’s Grave
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
After a controversy concerning the exhumation of the body of John Henry Cardinal Newman in preparation for his beatification, officials unearthed the Cardinal’s tomb and found no body inside and only a few artifacts in the coffin.
Pope Opens Bible Synod and Warns About Modern Culture
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
Pope Benedict XVI opened the Synod of Bishops on the Bible yesterday with a warning that nations once rich in faith are losing their identity under the influence of "a certain modern culture.”
Parents Don’t Want Yoga Taught in Schools
By Susan Brinkmann
Staff Writer
A high school in upstate New York has agreed to delay the implementation of yoga classes after a group of parents and religious leaders complained the program indoctrinates children in Hindu rites and is a violation of the separation of church and state.
Great Weekend in Rochester
It has been an edifying weekend in the Lord. We have had an opportunity to witness the abundant ways in which God is working through the Women's Care Center and the number of babies who have come into this world as a result of their efforts. May God continue to bless all those who make this happen including director Theresa Claybaugh, Terry, Giovanna, Denise, Mary Jo, Ginny, and their valuable team of volunteers who have "mothered" many new lives into the world. And, to the Board of Directors of the Women's Care Center whose advice, counsel, guidance, and leadership have provided much to Rochester community. My prayer is that we might all be encouraged by the witness and the example given to us through this apostolate. Thank you, also, to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Greece who welcomed us to participate in their Life Chain and their prayer service for the unborn. What a grace all of you are to the Kingdom of God! Incidentally, I came to discover that the Life Chain grew out of the Women of Grace Foundational Study -- may God be praised!
Women's Care Center -- Rochester, NY
I am in Rochester, New York, this morning eager to be with the young women and their moms who will gather this afternoon at the Diplomat Banquet Center on Lyell to speak at a Tea for Teens about the "Gift of Authentic Femininity." The Tea begins at 1:30 PM and ends at 3:30 PM.
Biased Media Admits Governor Palin Performed Well in Debate
The first female vice-presidential candidate in Republican history, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, stunned her critics last night by delivering a strong and confident performance against Democratic rival Senator Joe Biden in the vice-presidential debate.
Bishops Warn Flocks During Respect Life Month
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
During the month of October, recognized as Respect Life Month, U.S. Bishops are warning their flocks about the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), a federal bill that could invalidate every existing state law restricting abortion in the U.S.
Lawmaker Suggests Sterilizing Poor Women
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
In a blatant example of Nazi-style eugenics, a Louisiana lawmaker is considering a plan to pay poor women $1,000 to have their Fallopian tubes tied in order to curb the population of people who need government aid but don’t pay taxes.