Blog Posts
The trend toward acceptance of designer babies will take another leap forward next year when a new service will offer mothers-to-be "top quality celebrity surrogate fathers" for their children.
Catholic Converts Most Attracted by Penance, Pope and Mary
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan told reporters that the three teachings of the Church that adult converts find most attractive are the sacrament of reconciliation, the pope, and devotion to Mary.
Live A Little Better Each Day
“The proficient who would thus live
Planned Parenthood Receives Unwarranted Praise During Debate
Several times during the course of the second presidential debate last night, President Barack Obama praised the nation's largest abortion provider, including making the false claim that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms.
Sudden Turnaround: Women Voters Propel Romney into Lead
According to the latest polls, women are not only rejecting the so-called "war on women" but are actually behind Gov. Mitt Romney's five-point lead in key battleground states.
Bishop to Biden: No Communion in My Diocese
Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs told a reporter in a recent interview that pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden cannot receive Communion in his diocese.
The Heart of Christ
“[The Rosary’s] form is that of a
Legal Brief Challenges Scientific Validity of HHS Mandate
A second brief in support of a case challenging the contentious HHS mandate was filed on Friday and contends that the Institute of Medicine based its conclusions that mandating insurance coverage for birth control, sterilization and abortifacient drugs on incomplete and biased scientific information.
Will the Real Unemployment Numbers Please Stand Up?
Will Maryland Voters be the First to Approve Same-Sex Marriage?
Voters in four states will voice their opinion on same-sex marriage ballot initiatives where recent polls show the public closely split on the issue with Maryland appearing to have the greatest chance of approving the unions.