Blog Posts
Five month-old Lake Annabelle Hall is alive today because doctors at Children's Hospital of Colorado decided to give her a chance at life by removing a cyst from her lung which would have prevented her from being able to breath outside the womb.
Pope: Faith Cannot be Negotiated
Pope Francis sent out a bold invitation to the faithful during a sermon delivered at Mass in St. Martha's House recently when he said we cannot sell our faith to the "highest bidder" but must stand strong like so many Christian martyrs are doing at the present time.
Catholic Priest to be Awarded Posthumous Medal of Honor
Captain Emil J. Kapaun, a Catholic priest who was declared a Servant of God in 1993, will be awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor at the White House on April 11 for his heroic service during the Korean War.
The One And Only
“The great truth that God is all,
Same-Sex Couple On Trial for Sexually Abusing Their Children
In a case that is expected to cause headaches for proponents of same-sex adoption, a married same-sex couple living in Glastonbury, Connecticut will go to trial after several of their adopted children accused the men of sexually abusing them.
Pope: Tarot Cards and Magicians Can't Help You
While preaching at morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae in Rome on Friday, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that Jesus is "the only one" to whom we should go with our troubles - not fortune tellers and tarot card readers.
Outrage: TV Anchor Coaches Daughter on Same-Sex Marriage
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
National outrage is growing over a MSNBC host who, during a live broadcast, coached her daughter on how she could grow up and marry a girl if she lived in New York.
Obedient Love
Love has a hem to her garment
Defense Dept. Lists Catholicism As Example of Religious Extremism
The Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) has confronted the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) over a U.S. Army Reserve training brief that lists Catholicism and "Christian identity" as examples of "religious extremism" alongside groups such as Al Qaeda and the KKK.
Support Grows for College Chaplain Threatened by Homosexuals
An attempt by two homosexual students at George Washington University to have a Catholic chaplain removed from his post in the University's Newman Center because he teaches the faith appears to be backfiring as a counter movement in favor of the priest continues to gain steam.