Blog Posts
PC writes: "What do you know about the 'Women can have it all' conference, by Susan Sly that was in Toronto. This appears to be a self empowerment movement, and they are very evangelistic. Ones career is to 'travel, and spread the good news' that you can have it all, and the evidence that they have it all , is that they travel around telling everyone 'look at me, how fantastic I am'. Is it New Age? Is all self empowerment fall into New Age? It does seem to be contrary to Christ's call to pick up our cross daily and follow him, or to be humble and meek of heart."
Cleveland Kidnap Victims Express Thanks on New Video
The three victims of Cleveland kidnapper Ariel Castro have produced a video thanking their family and friends for supporting them and giving them hope to face their new life of freedom.
Looking Heavenward
It's Payback Time for the IRS
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
House Republicans are not about to let the IRS get away with their outrageously partisan conduct over the past few years and are proposing a slew of new laws designed to check the agency's power and give more protection to citizens against this kind of abuse.
Casual Sex Linked to Depression in Youth
IVF Produces So-Called Perfect Baby . . . But at What Cost?
If At First You Don't Succeed...
Details of JPII Second Miracle Revealed
A 50 year-old Costa Rican woman who was healed of a brain aneurism has been revealed as the recipient of the second miracle needed in order to clear the way to canonization of Pope John Paul II.
Pope Francis Publishes First Encyclical
Girl Scouts March in Gay Pride Parade
More than 90 Girl Scouts marched in the Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco, marking the first time the scouts have ever done so.