Blog Posts
MH writes: "Do you know about the writings from Lorraine day, M.D. Orthopedic surgeon and Christian regarding alternative Health modalities? I know she does not advocate use of eastern religiously based health modalities which she views as the antichrist, but she has good arguments against modern day medicine's approach to dealing with diseases. . . .
The Heart Of The Matter
The Most Holy Trinity
Fill Me Up!
Dad Ad Gives Fathers More Respect!
A new poll has found that fathers across America are tired of being portrayed in the media as "disconnected, bumbling and incompetent" and sparked the creation of a moving ad that depicts fathers in a much more realistic - and deserving - way.
Workers Fired for Refusing to Worship Onionhead
Police Hunt for Suspect in Young Priest's Murder
Phoenix police are continuing to hunt for the murderer of a 28-year-old priest who was shot and killed inside the rectory of the Mother of Mercy Mission in Phoenix on Wednesday night.
Is there an Archangel Named Jophiel?
Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor of the Church
Denmark to Force State Churches to Perform Same-Sex Marriages
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
While the Vatican claims it does not yet affect Catholic churches, a new law passed by the Danish parliament will force all churches to conduct gay marriages on their premises; priests can refuse to conduct the ceremonies, but they cannot stop them from taking place in their sanctuaries.