Brad Avakian, Oregon Labor Commissioner
The state of Oregon is doubling down on two Christian bakers fined for refusing to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding and is demanding that they pay $135,000 in damages to the couple by Monday or risk having a lien placed on their home.
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“Only the strong man can exercise living
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Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has issued an executive order protecting clergy and religious organizations from being penalized for refusing to participate in same-sex marriages.
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Our Holy Fathers have been very consistent in their instruction to the faithful about how they should view same-sex marriage regardless of whether or not it is legalized by the state - and they all agree that it is to be emphatically opposed.
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“We can resist or change many things
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Milwaukee Art Museum
A petition has been started to prevent a blasphemous portrait of Pope Benedict from being displayed at the Milwauke Museum in November.
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“In this existence in time and finiteness
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSA Reddit user known only as “M” posted a heartbreaking letter to the father of the baby she aborted and revealed a poignant glimpse into the inner conflicts faced by women who are too often left alone to deal with unplanned pregnancies.
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Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDSThe Christian owners of a bakery in Oregon that refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding were ordered to keep quiet about their conscientious objections to the unions – a gag order they have every intention of defying.
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“Patient endurance attains to all things.
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