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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 6

March 11

“Nothing ever happens in the world that does not happen first inside human hearts.”

-Venerable Fulton J. Sheen


Today's Reflection

All of the ills of our time – from wars and terrorism to abortion and immoral lifestyles – begin in the same way – by allowing evil into the heart. Pray for the conversion of hearts today!


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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 4

March 9
“To do penance is to bewail the evil we have done, and to do no evil to bewail.”
-Pope St. Gregory I: Homilies on the Gospels (6th century)
Today's Reflection
It’s tough to admit that we’ve sinned, but admission and confession is the only path to healing and new hope. Take time to ponder the areas of your life in which you have sinned, or fallen short. Make the sacrament of reconciliation a priority during the Lenten season.

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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 3

March 8
“Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we
may get to heaven.”
-St. Rose of Lima
Today's Reflection
Accepting the crosses in our lives isn’t easy, but when done so for love of Our Lord, they become remarkably easier to carry. What crosses are you trying to carry alone? Give them to Jesus and let Him lighten the load!

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The First True Champion of Women’s Rights: Jesus Christ

Even though International Women’s Day celebrates many champions of women’s rights, too many of these figures represent a narrow view of women’s rights that are mostly defined by liberal versions of “gender equality.” But anyone who knows their history knows that the single greatest champion of women’s rights – and the one who set the tone for all others to come - is none other than Jesus Christ.

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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 2

March 7
“There are ways of being crucified that do not involve rough wood or heavy nails, but a love beyond our capacity to love, which means a love that has been given to us by God…”
-Servant of God Catherine Doherty
Today's Reflection
Only with God’s grace can we truly understand that real love knows how to suffer for the beloved, and it does so joyfully. Where might you suffer more cheerfully for others?

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Can Catholics Use Past Life Regression Therapy?

LN asks: “My friend, a Catholic, went to a therapist who used hypnosis to take her back to a previous life. She was all excited about it and said finding out that she had been a male surgeon in a past life made certain things about her life make more sense. Are Catholics allowed to participate in this kind of therapy?”

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Lenten Journey with the Saints: Day 1

March 6

“Ash Wednesday is considered the 'door' to Lent.” -Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI


Today's Reflection

Today is the beginning of a 40-day campaign dedicated to ridding ourselves of vice and filling ourselves with virtue. Bring your plans for this Lenten season to the feet of the Crucified and ask for His blessing as you begin this sacred journey.


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Beyond the Ashes: Embracing the “Interior Spirit” of Lent

In the eyes of the world, Ash Wednesday is the day when people with “dirty foreheads” appear in supermarkets and cafes and order fish instead of steak. But in the eyes of the faithful, this day is the beginning of a season designed to make the weak-kneed-but-willing into true champions.

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