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Consumed with the fire of the Holy Spirit
April 23, 2020
St. George, Martyr (280-303)
"As for Saint George, he was consumed with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Armed with the invincible standard of the cross, he did battle with an evil king and acquitted himself so well that, in vanquishing the king, he overcame the prince of all wicked spirits, and encouraged other soldiers of Christ to perform brave deeds in his cause."
-From a homily of St. Peter Damian on St. George
Today's Reflection
Could I be called "St. Georgette" today? In what way do I emulate St. George?
Dear Women of Grace family, As a means of daily support and inspiration, we will temporarily be sharing our Daily Gracelines with our entire email audience. We hope it is a source of daily encouragement for you as we walk through these challenging times together. We are praying for you. If you are not a subscriber, click here to subscribe.
With love and prayers, Your Women of Grace Family
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE
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Give me the heart of a child
April 22, 2020
"Lord, give me the heart of a child, and the awesome courage to live it out as an adult."
-Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Molchanie
Today's Reflection
What characterizes the heart of a child? Of these traits, which one do I most need to acquire? At this moment, I will ask God for the grace to develop this attribute.
Dear Women of Grace family, As a means of daily support and inspiration, we will temporarily be sharing our Daily Gracelines with our entire email audience. We hope it is a source of daily encouragement for you as we walk through these challenging times together. We are praying for you. If you are not a subscriber, click here to subscribe.
With love and prayers, Your Women of Grace Family
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE
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Let me know you and love you
April 21, 2020
St. Anselm, Bishop and Doctor (1033-1109)
"O God, let me know you and love you so that I may find my joy in you; and if I cannot do so fully in this life, let me at least make some progress every day, until at last that knowledge, love and joy come to me in all their plentitude."
-A prayer of St. Anselm
Today's Reflection
Today I will look "at least [to] make some progress" to find all my joy in God, Who gave me life.
St. Anselm, pray for me.
Dear Women of Grace family, As a means of daily support and inspiration, we will temporarily be sharing our Daily Gracelines with our entire email audience. We hope it is a source of daily encouragement for you as we walk through these challenging times together. We are praying for you. If you are not a subscriber, click here to subscribe.
With love and prayers, Your Women of Grace Family
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE
Ceasing to struggle
April 20, 2020
"Ceasing to struggle because of our defects when there is opposition to a serious mistake can lead us to that form of pride called pusillanimity, lack of courage and strength to bear misfortune or undertake large enterprises."
-Francis Fernandez, In Conversation with God, Volume 2
Today's Reflection
Am I being tempted in this way today? Regarding what? How can I overcome this temptation?
Dear Women of Grace family, As a means of daily support and inspiration, we will temporarily be sharing our Daily Gracelines with our entire email audience. We hope it is a source of daily encouragement for you as we walk through these challenging times together. We are praying for you. If you are not a subscriber, click here to subscribe.
With love and prayers, Your Women of Grace Family
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE
The soul truly in love with God
April 19, 2020
"The soul truly in love with God never fails through laziness to do all in its power to seek God's Son, the Beloved."
-St. John of the Cross, The Spiritual Canticle
Today's Reflection
What is within my power to do today "to seek God's Son, the Beloved"?
Dear Women of Grace family, As a means of daily support and inspiration, we will temporarily be sharing our Daily Gracelines with our entire email audience. We hope it is a source of daily encouragement for you as we walk through these challenging times together. We are praying for you. If you are not a subscriber, click here to subscribe.
With love and prayers, Your Women of Grace Family
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE
Speak without wounding
Dear Women of Grace family, As a means of daily support and inspiration, we will temporarily be sharing our Daily Gracelines with our entire email audience. We hope it is a source of daily encouragement for you as we walk through these challenging times together. We are praying for you. If you are not a subscriber, click here to subscribe.
With love and prayers, Your Women of Grace Family
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE