LL writes:
"I am a 41 y.o. cradle Catholic. I recently saw a book my godmother is reading, about a medium who is from the westside of Cleveland who claims to help people who have died and haven't gone over to the other side. My godmother is convinced that her mother had a ghost in her apartment before she died, and that this woman helped it "go towards the light," She also said her sister had this woman come out to her house, to help some other guy who hadn't crossed over. When I told her that I would've called a priest if I thought there was spiritual activity in my home, she claimed that this woman doesn't communicate with evil spirits - just poor souls who got confused or had reasons that they couldn't go over to the other side. Yikes! Obviously my godmother is/was Catholic - she's my godmother. However, she's drifting into spiritualism. She even said that her sister put some seed over every doorway, to keep any more spirits from entering. Can you give me some resources that I can use when talking to my godmother?"
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One of the reasons so many people are becoming involved in the occult these days is because they don't know what it is, how it manifests, and who is behind those manifestations.
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Waldorf Doll (Image courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Ana Lygia Vieira Schil da Nina Veiga CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)
AA writes: "I just read the article Anthroposophy/Waldorf and Catholic Homeschooling. May I ask a question? I found the dolls they make about a year ago. I started making them but with normal things and using clothing that was given to me just to be able to make dolls for kids. Yes I freely give them to any child that wants one. It is a joy to see a little child smile. Ok I don't go along with any of their beliefs as I later found out about them. Is it ok that I make these dolls for children? To me it's a gift from God because he made me able to make them and I make sure to say that they are a gift from God. I am starting to wonder now."
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We recently had a question about the practice of "saging" one's home in order to clear the house of "bad vibrations." Is this practice compatible with Christianity?
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A guidance counselor at a Catholic high school in Pittsburgh is questioning why she was forced to resign after inviting a coven of witches to speak to a marketing class during which they handed out “magic crystals.”
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The case of a so-called "haunted mirror," which occurred about 10 years ago in London, has raised the question of whether or not objects can be the target of "hauntings" - otherwise known as demonic infestations. The answer to this question might surprise you!
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D writes:
"My sister went through a very hurtful divorce and turned to an angel reader for help. I went with her to a day of healing and can see where you can get drawn in. She named my angel, knew things about me that had caused pain, performed a healing treatment and gave us all an angel card and stone. . . .
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LH wrote to me and expressed concern about a family member who was becoming too interested in ghosts.
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MS asks:
"I'm seeing more and more advertisements for pet psychics at my vet's office. Are these people for real?"
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Believe it or not, a new game modeled on a Ouija board that claims to facilitate communication with Jesus is actually being sold on Amazon! But that’s not the worst of the story.
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