
Blog Posts

Don't Invite These "Angels" Into Your Home!

One of our readers was kind enough to send us an e-mail she received which offered her an opportunity to invite three "angels" into her life for five days. Believe it or not, people are actually falling for this and going through all the prescribed rituals to allow these unnamed spirits into their lives! Here's why that's not a good idea.

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Is it True that Satanic Messages Can be Hidden in Rock Music?

MH asks: "I did a search on google for the record labels owned by Wiccans to promote Satanism.  I came across this website that gives some examples of backmasking.  It has backward lyrics of songs with satanic messages.  I was wondering if this is true or if someone just made it up.  I do not know how play a record backwards myself and do not know the website as a trustworthy source.  Do you know if these backward lyrics are accurate or a trustworthy source to look to?"

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Pagan Chieftess “Prays” With Participants at World Economic Forum

Davos Congress Center in Davos, Switzerland (WEF - CC BY SA 4.0 DEED)

Last week’s meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos created quite a controversy around the world when an Amazonian Chieftess was permitted to lead participants in a shamanic ritual, which prompted some to ask, “What spirit governs Davos?”

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Peruvian “Visionary” Encourages Desecration of Eucharist

During a popular video podcast in Peru, self-proclaimed visionary Erica Serrano told listeners in this predominantly Catholic country to use a consecrated host in a purification ritual and to ward off “toxic people.”

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"I-Dosing" on Binaural Beats can Produce a Hellish High

CH writes: "My son who is in 8th grade just told me about a horrible Demonic thing some kids are doing called 'Gate of Hades'. I don’t know if you ever heard of this, but I Googled it and was disgusted by what I saw. I would like to share this with you so you can warn other parents about this."

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The Difference Between Christian and Occult-based fantasy

As all regular readers of this blog know, we get many questions about children's books in which the characters use sorcery in one way or another. In an effort to help Christian parents learn how to discern whether or not this content is suitable for their children, I would like to post insights from Michael O'Brien's book, Harry Potter and the Paganization of Culture ( which I hope you'll find useful.

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The Kane Chronicles Introduce Children to Dangerous Occult Practices

Author Rick Riordan (Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Rhodendrites, CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)

JG writes: "My daughter has asked to read The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan.  Do you know anything about the author or book series?  I appreciate your feedback."

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