
Blog Posts

Beware of the “Manifesting” Trap

                                                                             Photo by Aleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash

Manifesting is all the rage these days. It’s about how to use your mind to will your goals into existence by using tools such as meditation, guided visualization, vision boards, and other rituals that many believe can make big things happen for anyone. Is this true, and is this something a Catholic should be get involved in?

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John Main's Christian Meditation Technique: Just Another Mind Blanking Exercise

EM writes: "Recently a friend has become involved with the John Main Christian Meditation movement.  I find this to be part of the New Age Movement, but she won't listen. I would love to be able to recommend to her some writings or recognized persons who would specifically speak about John Main and the Christian meditation Movement.  Any articles I come across do not mention John Main specifically and  so my friend feels that this is legimitate Christian (Catholic) Meditation.  Can you help?"

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The Wim Hof Breathing Method

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

N writes: “I recently came across a group of Catholics, who…spoke of Wim Hof and this breathing/meditation technique. I attempted internet searches to explore whether or not this has any spiritual grounding whatsoever, to no avail. (Also, truly, what sources does one trust nowadays?). Can you please provide me with any information?  These techniques set off many alarms within yet without much knowledge I cannot speak on the topic."

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Priest Warns Against Dabbling in Eastern Meditation Techniques

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

This article about a priest who dabbled in transcendental meditation for 18 years before coming back to the Faith, comes as a wake-up call to so many Christians who are casually introducing Eastern meditation techniques into their prayer lives. Many of these practices are not as innocent as they appear!

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St. Teresa of Avila, the Desert Fathers, and Centering Prayer

Many people are being misled into Centering Prayer after being told that St. Teresa of Avila and the Desert Fathers taught a version of it. This blog contains a few facts that will challenge these assertions.

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Kirtan: Hindu Meditative Music Has Hidden Meaning

B writes: “[O]ne topic that might be helpful to address, if you haven't already, is the Hindu meditative chanting practice called, Kirtan. It's become very popular on a local level as well as artists who travel around the country(ies), often performing in Yoga studios. The music is beautiful, enticing, esp. in a large group and can produce deep, trance-like effects. It's sung in Sanskrit and invokes the Hindu deities. It's another of those Eastern practices that's become a ‘cool’ form of spirituality...or rather pseudo-spirituality.”

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Why Mind-Blanking "Prayer" is Dangerous for Children

PM writes: "My children attend a Catholic Primary school in Australia. They tell me they do meditation at school and use the word 'Maranatha.' Is this in line with Catholic teaching? Should I exclude them from these sessions. I just read a blog of yours about centering prayer, (John Main). This seems to be exactly what they do, empty their minds and repeat the word 'Maranatha'. What do you think?"

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