MP writes:
"I need some advice about 'foot detox.' I think it is snake oil but can’t convince my daughter it is a hoax."
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CS asks: "What can you tell us about herbs and plants that are supposed to help certain ailments, like fish oils, omega 3's and things like that?"
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Susan left this comment on our blog:
"I’ve been reading these posts for a while and I’m wondering how vulnerable, sick people who realize they need help are going to get the help they need when health care and self-help have become a minefield of New Age practices/products. . .
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TV asks:
"I am wondering about the Law of Attraction material. Jerry and Ester Hicks are the people who channel Abraham. Is there any truth in their teaching? Sometimes it sounds like it makes sense."
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(Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Justin Brackett, CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)
N asks: "Is Joel Osteen preaching New Age?"
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An original poster advertising the services of F. M. Alexander
JC writes: "Can you tell me whether the Alexander Technique is New Age? I am a musician and my teacher recommended it for 'body awareness.' Apparently, it is popular among professional, classical musicians. The idea of "body awareness" sounds very New Age to me!"
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EB writes:
"I have been seeing a certified acupressure therapist. Does this pertain to the New Age category like chiropractors?"
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One of our readers sent an e-mail describing a bad experience she had with BodyTalk - a kind of "therapy" that can supposedly locate broken energy circuits in the body and resynchronize them by “tapping” the patient on the top of the head. We felt this e-mail would serve as a warning to anyone who is considering this kind of therapy.
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SH writes: "I am interested in knowing if magnet therapy is new age? Such as wearing a magnet braclet or using magents. Also what about magentic hematite jewelry? Thank you for your help."
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TD writes: "I am concerned because someone I know has recommended this book [by Pam Grout entitled
E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality] to me and even the image on the cover scares me. Have you heard of this woman?"
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