Did you ever notice how many New Age self-help books and seminars are based on changing the way we think? They accomplish this through all kinds of mind control techniques such as guided imagery, visualization, blanking the mind, etc.
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Stephen Covey (1932-2012)
MG writes: "I am looking for information on The Seven Habits program. My children go to a Catholic school that has incorporated the program into the counciling program. I have been trying to find out more about The Seven Habits program because of what I will call a "gut" feeling. I do not what to go to the school before I have more information to back up my uneasy feelings. Is the program ok and if not where can I look to get more information?"
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Karl Jung (1875 - 1961)
MR asks: “Is Jungian psychology New Age?”
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Castor oil seeds
The latest TikTok craze is calling for the application of castor oil in the belly button, a so-called “ancient” practice that will do everything from detoxification and improving your digestion to enhancing bowel movements and even making you more fertile. So what is this all about?
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EC writes:
“We are having a parish 'retreat' day with a priest who also is heavily involved with the Silva Mind Control Method. Can you point me to any Vatican documents which expressly state that the Silva Mind Control Method is New Age and therefore incompatible with our Catholic faith? I want some 'backup' from the Church, so I can voice my objections to the Parish Priest.”
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JM writes: "
I just read the blog question and answer on homeopathy. This is a very serious matter to me as my family and I have been using homeopathic remedies very successfully over the past three years. I was introduced to them by a very conservative Roman Catholic group of ladies. In doing my own research, I was not troubled about the "vital force" that Dr. Hahneman refers to because anyone who does not know the Christian faith would of course grasp for some kind of word to describe the human soul and the life of that soul as given and designed by God, and the soul's inter-connectedness to our physical bodies. . . ."
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CF writes: "
When you have a chance, do you know anything about moving meditation? It seems New Age to me. Is Persian dance a form of moving meditation? Also, what about ecstatic dancing and trance dancing. Is this stuff New Age?"
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SH writes:
"I have been getting regular facials at an Aveda salon. At the beginning of the facial, she rubs scented oils on her hands and places the palms of her hands directly above my face and lets them hover there for about a minute as I breathe in the oils. Is this a form of Reiki? It makes me uncomfortable as I feel it is a sort of energy channel when she does this. Also, they offer placing hot stones on your hands or feet and wrapping them in a towel during the facial. Is this ok?"
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This fabulous witness was sent to us by a woman who was once very involved in the New Age but, thanks to God's grace, found her way out of it.
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The New Age has made huge inroads into the healthcare industry, especially in the area of self-help "cures" in the form of everything from pills to chi machines. However, New Age miracles are usually more hype than fact, which is why consumers would be wise to review new guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on how to spot a fraud before it costs them their money - and their health.
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